psfontmgr accepts postscript, type1 and xfont categories. psfontmgr provides x-postscript categories. 1. psprint, pspreview and postscript psprint and pspreview categories are obsoleted from psfontmgr 0.4.9. Postscript-previewer applications and Postscript-printer applications should now provide postscript category with an application specific tag is added, like /Courier-Bold. To keep backward compatibility, pspreview category is accepted. psfontmgr registers fonts in this category to postscript category. 2. truetype This category is obsoleted. psfontmgr now deals with XLFDs of truetype fonts provided by x-ttcidfont-conf as xfont category. 3. xfont This category exists for providing x-postscript category, and is supposed to be provided by x-ttcidfont-conf. It contains XLFDs of truetype and cid fonts with their hints including how they look. 4. type1 These categories only exist for x-postscript category. Fonts in these categories should have 'X-FontName' hint(s), which represents the XLFD of the font, if exists. Defoma-configuration script of psfontmgr will register PostScript fonts with '/' added as prefix, to x-postscript category with the substitutive XLFD as the hint. You can get PostScript fonts and their substitutive XLFDs with following perl codes. @psfonts = defoma_font_get_fonts('x-postscript'); foreach $psfont (@psfonts) { my @hints = defoma_font_get_hints('x-postscript', $psfont); $xfont = $hints[0]; $psfont =~ s/^\\///; ... }