# README # From: Selena Brewington The two scripts included in here are for taking an existing RRD, dumping out its XML contents, mucking with the XML to add an arbitrary number of datasources, and then creating a new RRD with the new XML information. 'add_ds.pl' is what is doing all the work. 'batch.pl' does the legwork of running rrdtool and moving around the output from the various commands. Easiest way to use these: * Put batch.pl and add_ds.pl in the same directory as the RRDs you want to modify and run: $ ls -1 | ./batch.pl <# new datasources you want to add> You'll end up with an 'xml' directory where all the xml files and your new RRDs are available. Copy the new RRDs back over the old RRDs once you've convinced yourself that the new RRDs have been formed correctly (try using the rrd-dump tool that is in the cricket/utils directory, for example). I put some options that you can configure at the top of the batch.pl script. Also, add_ds.pl has a bunch of stuff you can modify at the command line or, again, change inside the script itself - warning: it's not fancy. Try: ./add_ds.pl -h batch.pl has an 'overwrite' option that can be invoked, but I highly recommend that you check that this script does what you want, the way you want it, before you go and trample all over your existing RRDs.