#!/usr/bin/perl # Create rrdtool graph ... use CGI::Carp; use CGI; use POSIX; use lib qw( /usr/local/rrdtool/lib/perl ); use RRDs; my $query = new CGI; # Get params from URL $rrd = $query->param("rrd"); # RRD absolute path $start = $query->param("start"); # start time $end = $query->param("end"); # end time $hight = $query->param("hight"); # Image sizes $width = $query->param("width"); $use = $query->param("use"); # which DS shal I print # List of colors for graphs @color = ("#FF0000","#00FF00","#FFFF00","#0000FF","#FF00FF","#00FFFF","#FFFFFF", "#800000","#008000","#808000","#000080","#800080","#008080","#808080"); # title of graph with start / end time $title = $rrd.": ".scalar(localtime($start))." / ".scalar(localtime($end)); # Formated date(now) $expiredate = strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(time); print "Content-type: image/png\n"; # Use html print "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"; # Ensure no cashing of page print "Expires: $expiredate\n\n"; # Expire now $root = $ENV{"DOCUMENT_ROOT"}; # see rrdfetchnames ($begin,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch "$root$rrd", "AVERAGE", "--start", "now","--end","start+1"; if ( my $ERR = RRDs::error) { die "ERROR while fetching data from $NAME $ERR\n"; } @names = @$names; # list of def's "@$name" $j = @names; # how many DS's # Append DEF's see examples/shared-demp.pl for ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) { $val = substr($use, $i, 1); if ( $val == "1" ) { @options = (@options, "DEF:l$i=$root$rrd:@names[$i]:AVERAGE","LINE2:l$i@color[$i]:@names[$i]"); } } # Draw the graph to std.out ("-") ($avg,$xsize,$ysize) = RRDs::graph "-","--title", "$title","--height","$hight","--width", "$width","--start",$start,"--end",$end,"-a","PNG",@options; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print "ERROR: $ERROR\n"; }