from image2d import * import string class PlotMesh(Image2D): def __init__(self,filename,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax): Image2D.__init__(self,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) # Now read in a mesh file in pieces pts = [] # Read in data points atoi = string.atoi atof = string.atof f = open(filename+".pts","r") l = string.split(f.readline()) npoints = atoi(l[0]) for i in range(0,npoints): l = string.split(f.readline()) pts.append((atof(l[0]),atof(l[1]))) # Read in mesh data f.close() f = open(filename+".tris","r") l = string.split(f.readline()) ntris = atoi(l[0]) tris = [ ] for i in range(0,ntris): l = string.split(f.readline()) tris.append((atoi(l[0])-1,atoi(l[1])-1,atoi(l[2])-1,atoi(l[3]))) f.close() # Read in solution data f = open(filename+".out","r") soln = [ ] for i in range(0,npoints): l = string.split(f.readline()) soln.append(atof(l[0])) self.pts = pts self.npoints = npoints self.tris = tris self.ntris = ntris self.soln = soln self.draw_soln = 0 def draw(self): self.axis_origin = (self.xmin,self.ymin) self.xtick_spacing = (self.xmax - self.xmin)/10.0 self.ytick_spacing = (self.ymax - self.ymin)/10.0 self.newplot() if self.draw_soln == 0: i = 0 while i < self.ntris: tri = self.tris[i] pt1 = self.pts[tri[0]] pt2 = self.pts[tri[1]] pt3 = self.pts[tri[2]] # Now draw the mesh self.solidtriangle(pt1[0],pt1[1],pt2[0],pt2[1],pt3[0],pt3[1],gifplot.WHITE+tri[3]) self.triangle(pt1[0],pt1[1],pt2[0],pt2[1],pt3[0],pt3[1],gifplot.BLACK) i = i + 1 else: cmin = min(self.soln) cmax = max(self.soln) dc = cmax - cmin i = 0 while i < self.ntris: tri = self.tris[i] pt1 = self.pts[tri[0]] pt2 = self.pts[tri[1]] pt3 = self.pts[tri[2]] c1 = (self.soln[tri[0]] - cmin)*239/dc + 16 c2 = (self.soln[tri[1]] - cmin)*239/dc + 16 c3 = (self.soln[tri[2]] - cmin)*239/dc + 16 # Now draw the mesh self.interptriangle(pt1[0],pt1[1],c1,pt2[0],pt2[1],c2,pt3[0],pt3[1],c3); i = i + 1 self.drawaxis() class Dual(PlotMesh): def __init__(self,filename,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax): PlotMesh.__init__(self,filename,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) self.title1 = "Mesh" self.title2 = "Solution" def draw(self): width = self.frame.width height = self.frame.height self.viewport(0,0,width,height/2 - 2) self.draw_soln = 0 self.title = self.title1 PlotMesh.draw(self) self.viewport(0,height/2 + 2, width, height) self.draw_soln = 1 self.title = self.title2 PlotMesh.draw(self) mesh = PlotMesh("../Data/mesh",5,0,35,25) mesh.title = "Mesh" mesh.xaxis_label = 'X' mesh.yaxis_label = 'Y' mesh.filename = "mesh.gif" mesh.filename = "soln.gif" mesh.title = "Solution" mesh.draw_soln = 1 mesh.spawned_viewer = 0 both = Dual("../Data/mesh",-10,0,50,25) both.filename = "both.gif" both.xaxis_label = 'X' both.yaxis_label = 'Y' both.zoom(200) both.down(55) both.zoom(300)