GIFPlot 0.2 Dave Beazley Theoretical Division (T-11) Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (C) 1995-1997 University of Utah and the Regents of the University of California. GIFPlot is a graphics library for building simple image generation tools. The library consists primarily of a 2D and 3D plotting primitives that may eventually be used to build a more sophisticated package. Output is in the form of uncompressed GIF files. "GIFPlot" is only a working name right now. I need to come up with something cooler (suggestions welcome). *** Note *** Due to the Unisys enforcement of the LZW compression patent, this version only produces uncompressed GIF images. Introduction ============ GIFPlot is a relatively simple graphics library for making 2D and 3D images. This example shows how SWIG can be used to produce scripting interfaces to a real software package. The Tcl, Python, and Perl directories contain makefiles and examples for those languages. The scripting interface is completely generated from a common SWIG interface file found in the "Interface" directory. Getting all of the pieces of this example to work will likely require some Makefile hacking. If you haven't used SWIG before, you may want to play around with some simple examples first. Installation ============= 1. How to install (UNIX) GIFPlot creates a C library. To build the package type : ./configure make This will create a library in this directory for use. 2. Documentation Documentation is available as an HTML file in the Doc directory. 3. Examples Several C examples are available in the Examples directory. 4. SWIG Examples This example is provided with the SWIG distribution to demonstrate a more sophisticated application with a variety of features. The subdirectories "Tcl", "Python", and "Perl" build different interfaces to this package. Makefiles are also provided for Unix, Win95/NT, and Macintosh. Windows Users ============== 1. Go to the 'Lib' and type 'nmake /f Makefile.msc' to build the GIFPlot library. 2. Go to the 'Tcl', 'Python', or 'Perl' libraries to build SWIG examples. The file 'Makefile.msc' in each directory is used to build extensions. Bug reports, suggestions for improvements, and questions should be send to