# A Makefile for MSVC++ 4.x/5.x # # Location of the Visual C++ tools TOOLS = $(MSVCDIR) # The C/C++ compiler CC = cl.exe # The linker LINK = link.exe # Include directories for your compiler INCLUDE32 = -I"$(TOOLS)\include" # Target machine MACHINE = IX86 # C Libraries needed to build a DLL DLLIBC = msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib # Other windows libraries that are apparently needed #WINLIB = kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib WINLIB = kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib GLLIB = opengl32.lib glu32.lib glaux.lib # Libraries common to all DLLs DLLLIBS = $(DLLIBC) $(WINLIB) $(GLLIB) # Linker options LOPT = -debug:full -debugtype:cv /NODEFAULTLIB /RELEASE /NOLOGO /MACHINE:$(MACHINE) -entry:_DllMainCRTStartup@12 -dll # C compiler flags CFLAGS = /Z7 /Od /WX /c /nologo /DEBUG /D_DLL $(INCLUDE32)\GL /D__WIN32__ # SWIG Installation SWIG = c:\swig1.1\swig # OpenGL files SRCS = INTERFACE = opengl.i WRAPFILE = opengl_wrap.c TARGET = opengl.dll # Now munge the files provided # SRCS = list of source files # WRAPFILE = Outfile file for SWIG SRCS = $(SRCS) $(WRAPFILE) OBJS = $(SRCS:.cxx=.obj) OBJS = $(OBJS:.c=.obj) OBJS = $(OBJS:/Tp=) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tcl settings # # TCL_INCLUDES = Include files for your Tcl installation. # Typically you want Tcl/generic and Tcl/win. # TCLLIB = The location of the tcl library # ------------------------------------------------------------------ TCL_INCLUDES = -Id:\tcl8.0\generic -Id:\tcl8.0\win TCLLIB = d:\tcl8.0\win\tcl80.lib tcl:: $(SWIG) -tcl -o $(WRAPFILE) $(SWIGOPT) $(INTERFACE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TCL_INCLUDES) $(SRCS) set LIB=$(TOOLS)\lib $(LINK) $(LOPT) -out:Tcl\$(TARGET) $(DLLLIBS) $(TCLLIB) $(OBJS) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Python settings # # PY_INCLUDES = Include files for your Python installation. Typically # you need the python-1.4\Include python-1.4\ and python-1.4\PC # directories here. # PYLIB = The location of the Python library # ------------------------------------------------------------------ PY_INCLUDES = -Id:\python-1.5\Include -Id:\python-1.5 -Id:\python-1.5\PC PYLIB = d:\python-1.5\PCbuild\Debug\python15.lib PYFLAGS = python:: $(SWIG) -python -o $(WRAPFILE) $(SWIGOPT) $(INTERFACE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PYFLAGS) $(PY_INCLUDES) $(SRCS) set LIB=$(TOOLS)\lib $(LINK) $(LOPT) -out:Python\$(TARGET) $(DLLLIBS) $(PYLIB) $(OBJS) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Perl settings # # PERL_INCLUDE = Include files for your Perl installation # PERLLIB = The location of the Perl library # PERLFLAGS = Perl specific compilation flags # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # These are for Perl5.004 PERL_INCLUDE = -Id:\packages\perl\lib\CORE PERLLIB = d:\packages\perl\lib\CORE\perl.lib PERLFLAGS = /DWIN32 /DMSWIN32 /DWIN32IO_IS_STDIO # Uncomment the following if you are using ActiveWare Perl for Win32 #PERL_INCLUDE =-Id:\perl315 -Id:\perl315\inc #PERLLIB = d:\perl315\Release\perl300.lib #PERLFLAGS = /DWIN32 /DMSWIN32 /DPERL_OBJECT perl:: $(SWIG) -perl5 -o $(WRAPFILE) $(SWIGOPT) $(INTERFACE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PERLFLAGS) $(PERL_INCLUDE) $(SRCS) set LIB=$(TOOLS)\lib $(LINK) $(OBJS) $(LOPT) /DEBUG -out:perl\$(TARGET) $(DLLLIBS) $(PERLLIB) copy opengl.pm perl clean:: del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.pdb del *_wrap*