SWIG OpenGL example Last update : 1/1/98 This example wraps the OpenGL library using SWIG. This is set up to compile under Mesa 2.5. You may have to hack the Makefile to get it to compile however. Windows users can also compile this example using MSVC++ 4.x and the Microsoft OpenGL library (see below) : UNIX ==== The following options are available : make tcl Builds a version of wish with OpenGL functions make python Builds a dynamically loadable Python module. make perl Builds a dynamically loadable Perl5 module. Notes : 1. This example was built using the header files from Mesa 1.2.8. Basically, this process involved the following : a. Copy the header files b. Run SWIG to find parsing problems. c. Eliminate parsing problems until errors go away. d. Compile 2. When compiling, you may get SWIG warnings about array members. This is normal. 3. The special function newfv4(w,x,y,z) is used to create a small 4 element array. You'll see it quite alot in the example scripts. Examples ======== The Perl, Python, and Tcl directories contain various samples of using the module. Windows ======= You can compile two extensions by running nmake on the file 'Makefile.msc'. nmake /f Makefile.msc tcl - Builds Tcl Extension nmake /f Makefile.msc python - Builds a Python extension nmake /f Makefile.msc perl - Builds a Perl extension Post no bills ============= This whole example was cooked up in an afternoon so there are many things that could be improved if I had more time.... this is primarily intended to be a SWIG example that shows how you can take a big library and make a module out it. It's not a replacement for other more well-developed OpenGL modules already available for most scripting languages.