This directory contains examples for Python All of these examples use the file Makefile.template in the top level directory. You may need to edit this file by hand if it is incorrect. If you are using dynamic loading, you can build each example by typing 'make'. If your machine does not support dynamic loading, you can type 'make static' which will rebuild the Python interpreter with the SWIG module added to it. Static builds rely upon the file 'embed.i' in the SWIG library. By default, this file assumes Python 1.5. If you are using Python 1.3 or Python1.4, go to the SWIG library and rename the file embed13.i or embed14.i to 'embed.i'. For some C++ examples, you may need to use 'make static' as dynamic loading of C++ modules is not supported equally on all machines. For static rebuilds, you may need to add the Tcl libraries to the link line if your installed version of Python has been compiled with the tkinter module. ---- Recent Testing Information --- All of the Python examples have been tested on the following dates. Date checked : Feburary 27, 1999 Versions : Python 1.5.2b2 OS : Redhat Linux 5.1 Date checked : January 3, 1998 Versions : Python 1.5 OS : Linux 2.0.27 Date checked : June 22, 1997 Versions : Python 1.3, 1.4, 1.5a2 OS : Linux 2.0.27, Irix 6.2, MkLinux DR2.1 Windows NT 4.0.