$Id: README,v 0.5 1998/05/24 20:25:42 luisgh Exp $ Changes: $Log: README,v $ Revision 1.5 1998/05/24 20:25:42 luisgh Release 6.07.06-3 Revision 1.4 1998/05/18 12:03:00 luisgh Added mailing list information Revision 1.3 1998/04/29 17:07:51 luisgh Release 6.07.06-2 Revision 1.2 1998/04/20 11:44:26 luisgh Changes for new release 6.07.06 The sources used for this package are still unreleased. I downloaded them as part of the debugging process for the runaway tcsh processes problem. It is version 6.07.06. The conffile /etc/csh.cshrc has now as default, the "del" key bound to delete-char. The manual file has been updated to reflect this. You may want to set a symbolic link to /usr/bin/tcsh in /usr/local/bin directory. Most tcsh scripts use this path. There is a FAQ describing why csh programming is considered harmful, that can be found in the the ftp site perl.com in /pub/perl/versus/csh.whynot.gz. Setting the link up it's also useful when you have a network with various Unix boxen and users which use /usr/local/bin/tcsh as their shells. There are three tcsh related mailing lists: tcsh * TCSH Development Team tcsh-bugs * TCSH Bug Reports tcsh-diffs * TCSH Development Team with Diffs To subscribe send "subscribe list email" to listserv@mx.gw.com