Taken from the README: +------------------+ | Acknowledgements | +------------------+ Mark Leisher , author of xmbdfed. Lorry Philipp, my 7th grade teacher, who taught me calligraphy and the art of lettering. The many folks involved with the X Window System. The many folks who have sent me encouraging feedback. +-------------------------------------+ | Copying, Copyright, and Open Source | +-------------------------------------+ These fonts are all copyright © 1998 Jim Knoble . I have chosen to release them under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0, or, at your option, any later version. This means that you may freely modify and distribute these fonts, as long as you distribute the source code for the fonts as well. The full text of the GPL is available at at the time of this writing. This form of `free software' is known as Open Source software. See for more information. Some few parts of these fonts are derived from the 6x13 fixed font accompanying the XFree86-3.3.2 distribution of the X Window System. That font bears the notice `Public domain font; share and enjoy'. The vast majority of this set of fonts is original work. Besides the derivations noted above, any resemblance to other fonts, copyrighted or not, may be accounted for by standard letter shapes and the relatively coarse resolution (75dpi) for which the fonts were created. +------------+ | Disclaimer | +------------+ No warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including that of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. If anything breaks, you get to keep both pieces. Your mileage may vary. Eat your vegetables. --jim %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% jim knoble %%%%%%%% jmknoble@pobox.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%