France vs USA

French and Americans are as different as they can be ! However, French would like to be more American, and American more French ! But we'll never be the same. Look the people ! We don't dress the same way, we walk differently, American and French are so different !!!

Typical French family Typical American family

The sophisticated french gait: "Don't talk to us ! Because we're splendid and our haircut is perfect !" The barbarian American gait: "Don't talk to us ! Because if you say something, we're gonna hit you in the face !!!"

Five feelings on an American face
happiness sadness love hate "You mean I can't carry a firearm ?"

Five feelings on a French face
happiness sadness love hate "All the American tourists are back in their country !"

Even our political men and our stars look different !

Some observations...
French nose American ass


American talk loudly and have a big ego. French are reserved, and have an even bigger ego. Fortunately, our two countries have their own culture. It is told that one of them is civilized...

Images and text were taken from the French "political comics" magazine Chient méchant from October 1995.
This strip's author is Rick Tulka, coming from New-York city, and currently living in France.