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Thread safety

   Users writing multi-threaded programs must concern themselves with
the "thread safety" of the libraries they use--that is, whether it is
safe to call routines in parallel from multiple threads.  FFTW can be
used in such an environment, but some care must be taken because certain
parts of FFTW use private global variables to share data between calls.
In particular, the plan-creation functions share trigonometric tables
and accumulated `wisdom'.  (Users should note that these comments only
apply to programs using shared-memory threads.  Parallelism using MPI
or forked processes involves a separate address-space and global
variables for each process, and is not susceptible to problems of this

   The central restriction of FFTW is that it is not safe to create
multiple plans in parallel.  You must either create all of your plans
from a single thread, or instead use a semaphore, mutex, or other
mechanism to ensure that different threads don't attempt to create plans
at the same time.  The same restriction also holds for destruction of
plans and importing/forgetting `wisdom'.  Once created, a plan may
safely be used in any thread.

   The actual transform routines in FFTW (`fftw_one', etcetera) are
re-entrant and thread-safe, so it is fine to call them simultaneously
from multiple threads.  Another question arises, however--is it safe to
use the *same plan* for multiple transforms in parallel?  (It would be
unsafe if, for example, the plan were modified in some way by the
transform.)  We address this question by defining an additional planner
flag, `FFTW_THREADSAFE'.  When included in the flags for any of the
plan-creation routines, `FFTW_THREADSAFE' guarantees that the resulting
plan will be read-only and safe to use in parallel by multiple threads.

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