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Defining an Amd Mount Map in FSinfo

   The maps used by Amd can be constructed from FSinfo by defining all
the automount trees.  FSinfo takes all the definitions found and builds
one map for each top level tree.

   The automount tree is usually defined last.  A single automount
configuration will usually apply to an entire management domain.  One
`automount' declaration is needed for each Amd automount point.  FSinfo
determines whether the automount point is "direct" (Note: Direct
Automount Filesystem) or "indirect" (Note: Top-level Filesystem).
Direct automount points are distinguished by the fact that there is no
underlying "automount_tree".

     automount   : "automount" opt(auto_opts) automount_tree ;
     auto_opts   : "opts" <MOUNT-OPTIONS> ;
                 : list(automount_attr)
                 : <STRING> "=" <VOLNAME>
                 | <STRING> "->" <SYMLINK>
                 | <STRING> "{" automount_tree "}"

   If <MOUNT-OPTIONS> is given, then it is the string to be placed in
the maps for Amd for the `opts' option.

   A "map" is typically a tree of filesystems, for example `home'
normally contains a tree of filesystems representing other machines in
the network.

   A map can either be given as a name representing an already defined
volume name, or it can be a tree.  A tree is represented by placing
braces after the name.  For example, to define a tree `/vol', the
following map would be defined:

     automount /vol { }

   Within a tree, the only items that can appear are more maps.  For

     automount /vol {
         andrew { }
         X11 { }

   In this case, FSinfo will look for volumes named `/vol/andrew' and
`/vol/X11' and a map entry will be generated for each.  If the volumes
are defined more than once, then FSinfo will generate a series of
alternate entries for them in the maps.

   Instead of a tree, either a link (NAME `->' DESTINATION) or a
reference can be specified (NAME `=' DESTINATION).  A link creates a
symbolic link to the string specified, without further processing the
entry.  A reference will examine the destination filesystem and
optimize the reference.  For example, to create an entry for `njw' in
the `/homes' map, either of the two forms can be used:

     automount /homes {
         njw -> /home/dylan/njw


     automount /homes {
         njw = /home/dylan/njw

   In the first example, when `/homes/njw' is referenced from Amd, a
link will be created leading to `/home/dylan/njw' and the automounter
will be referenced a second time to resolve this filename.  The map
entry would be:

     njw type:=link;fs:=/home/dylan/njw

   In the second example, the destination directory is analyzed and
found to be in the filesystem `/home/dylan' which has previously been
defined in the maps. Hence the map entry will look like:

     njw rhost:=dylan;rfs:=/home/dylan;sublink:=njw

   Creating only one symbolic link, and one access to Amd.

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