GNU Info

Info Node: ( Filesystem

( Filesystem

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Inheritance Filesystem (`inherit')

   The "inheritance" (`type:=inherit') filesystem is not directly
accessible.  Instead, internal mount nodes of this type are
automatically generated when Amd is started with the `-r' option.  At
this time the system mount table is scanned to locate any filesystems
which are already mounted.  If any reference to these filesystems is
made through Amd then instead of attempting to mount it, Amd simulates
the mount and "inherits" the filesystem.  This allows a new version of
Amd to be installed on a live system simply by killing the old daemon
with `SIGTERM' and starting the new one.

   This filesystem type is not generally visible externally, but it is
possible that the output from `amq -m' may list `inherit' as the
filesystem type.  This happens when an inherit operation cannot be
completed for some reason, usually because a fileserver is down.

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