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( Filesystem

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Network Filesystem (`nfs')

   The "nfs" (`type:=nfs') filesystem type provides access to Sun's NFS.

The following options must be specified:

     the remote fileserver.  This must be an entry in the hosts
     database.  IP addresses are not accepted.  The default value is
     taken from the local host name (`${host}') if no other value is

     the remote filesystem.  If no value is specified for this option,
     an internal default of `${path}' is used.

   NFS mounts require a two stage process.  First, the "file handle" of
the remote file system must be obtained from the server.  Then a mount
system call must be done on the local system.  Amd keeps a cache of
file handles for remote file systems.  The cache entries have a
lifetime of a few minutes.

   If a required file handle is not in the cache, Amd sends a request
to the remote server to obtain it.  Amd "does not" wait for a response;
it notes that one of the locations needs retrying, but continues with
any remaining locations.  When the file handle becomes available, and
assuming none of the other locations was successfully mounted, Amd will
retry the mount.  This mechanism allows several NFS filesystems to be
mounted in parallel.  The first one which responds with a valid file
handle will be used.

An NFS entry might be:

     jsp  host!=charm;type:=nfs;rhost:=charm;rfs:=/home/charm;sublink:=jsp

   The mount system call and any unmount attempts are always done in a
new task to avoid the possibility of blocking Amd.

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