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Network Filesystem Group (`nfsx')

   The "nfsx" (`type:=nfsx') filesystem allows a group of filesystems
to be mounted from a single NFS server.  The implementation is layered
above the `nfs' implementation so keep-alives work in the same way.

   The options are the same as for the `nfs' filesystem with one

The following options should be specified:

     the remote fileserver.  The default value is taken from the local
     host name (`${host}') if no other value is specified.

     is a list of filesystems to mount, and must be specified.  The
     list is in the form of a comma separated strings.

For example:

     pub  type:=nfsx;rhost:=gould;\

   The first string defines the root of the tree, and is applied as a
prefix to the remaining members of the list which define the individual
filesystems.  The first string is _not_ used as a filesystem name.  A
parallel operation is used to determine the local mount points to
ensure a consistent layout of a tree of mounts.

   Here, the _three_ filesystems, `/public', `/public/graphics' and
`/public/usenet', would be mounted.

   A local mount point, `${fs}', _must_ be specified.  The default
local mount point will not work correctly in the general case.  A
suggestion is to use `fs:=${autodir}/${rhost}/root'.

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