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   For detailed information on the H8/300 machine instruction set, see
`H8/300 Series Programming Manual' (Hitachi ADE-602-025).  For
information specific to the H8/300H, see `H8/300H Series Programming
Manual' (Hitachi).

   `as' implements all the standard H8/300 opcodes.  No additional
pseudo-instructions are needed on this family.

   The following table summarizes the H8/300 opcodes, and their
arguments.  Entries marked `*' are opcodes used only on the H8/300H.

                 Rs   source register
                 Rd   destination register
                 abs  absolute address
                 imm  immediate data
              disp:N  N-bit displacement from a register
             pcrel:N  N-bit displacement relative to program counter
        add.b #imm,rd              *  andc #imm,ccr
        add.b rs,rd                   band #imm,rd
        add.w rs,rd                   band #imm,@rd
     *  add.w #imm,rd                 band #imm,@abs:8
     *  add.l rs,rd                   bra  pcrel:8
     *  add.l #imm,rd              *  bra  pcrel:16
        adds #imm,rd                  bt   pcrel:8
        addx #imm,rd               *  bt   pcrel:16
        addx rs,rd                    brn  pcrel:8
        and.b #imm,rd              *  brn  pcrel:16
        and.b rs,rd                   bf   pcrel:8
     *  and.w rs,rd                *  bf   pcrel:16
     *  and.w #imm,rd                 bhi  pcrel:8
     *  and.l #imm,rd              *  bhi  pcrel:16
     *  and.l rs,rd                   bls  pcrel:8
     *  bls  pcrel:16                 bld  #imm,rd
        bcc  pcrel:8                  bld  #imm,@rd
     *  bcc  pcrel:16                 bld  #imm,@abs:8
        bhs  pcrel:8                  bnot #imm,rd
     *  bhs  pcrel:16                 bnot #imm,@rd
        bcs  pcrel:8                  bnot #imm,@abs:8
     *  bcs  pcrel:16                 bnot rs,rd
        blo  pcrel:8                  bnot rs,@rd
     *  blo  pcrel:16                 bnot rs,@abs:8
        bne  pcrel:8                  bor  #imm,rd
     *  bne  pcrel:16                 bor  #imm,@rd
        beq  pcrel:8                  bor  #imm,@abs:8
     *  beq  pcrel:16                 bset #imm,rd
        bvc  pcrel:8                  bset #imm,@rd
     *  bvc  pcrel:16                 bset #imm,@abs:8
        bvs  pcrel:8                  bset rs,rd
     *  bvs  pcrel:16                 bset rs,@rd
        bpl  pcrel:8                  bset rs,@abs:8
     *  bpl  pcrel:16                 bsr  pcrel:8
        bmi  pcrel:8                  bsr  pcrel:16
     *  bmi  pcrel:16                 bst  #imm,rd
        bge  pcrel:8                  bst  #imm,@rd
     *  bge  pcrel:16                 bst  #imm,@abs:8
        blt  pcrel:8                  btst #imm,rd
     *  blt  pcrel:16                 btst #imm,@rd
        bgt  pcrel:8                  btst #imm,@abs:8
     *  bgt  pcrel:16                 btst rs,rd
        ble  pcrel:8                  btst rs,@rd
     *  ble  pcrel:16                 btst rs,@abs:8
        bclr #imm,rd                  bxor #imm,rd
        bclr #imm,@rd                 bxor #imm,@rd
        bclr #imm,@abs:8              bxor #imm,@abs:8
        bclr rs,rd                    cmp.b #imm,rd
        bclr rs,@rd                   cmp.b rs,rd
        bclr rs,@abs:8                cmp.w rs,rd
        biand #imm,rd                 cmp.w rs,rd
        biand #imm,@rd             *  cmp.w #imm,rd
        biand #imm,@abs:8          *  cmp.l #imm,rd
        bild #imm,rd               *  cmp.l rs,rd
        bild #imm,@rd                 daa  rs
        bild #imm,@abs:8              das  rs
        bior #imm,rd                  dec.b rs
        bior #imm,@rd              *  dec.w #imm,rd
        bior #imm,@abs:8           *  dec.l #imm,rd
        bist #imm,rd                  divxu.b rs,rd
        bist #imm,@rd              *  divxu.w rs,rd
        bist #imm,@abs:8           *  divxs.b rs,rd
        bixor #imm,rd              *  divxs.w rs,rd
        bixor #imm,@rd                eepmov
        bixor #imm,@abs:8          *  eepmovw
     *  exts.w rd                     mov.w rs,@abs:16
     *  exts.l rd                  *  mov.l #imm,rd
     *  extu.w rd                  *  mov.l rs,rd
     *  extu.l rd                  *  mov.l @rs,rd
        inc  rs                    *  mov.l @(disp:16,rs),rd
     *  inc.w #imm,rd              *  mov.l @(disp:24,rs),rd
     *  inc.l #imm,rd              *  mov.l @rs+,rd
        jmp  @rs                   *  mov.l @abs:16,rd
        jmp  abs                   *  mov.l @abs:24,rd
        jmp  @@abs:8               *  mov.l rs,@rd
        jsr  @rs                   *  mov.l rs,@(disp:16,rd)
        jsr  abs                   *  mov.l rs,@(disp:24,rd)
        jsr  @@abs:8               *  mov.l rs,@-rd
        ldc  #imm,ccr              *  mov.l rs,@abs:16
        ldc  rs,ccr                *  mov.l rs,@abs:24
     *  ldc  @abs:16,ccr              movfpe @abs:16,rd
     *  ldc  @abs:24,ccr              movtpe rs,@abs:16
     *  ldc  @(disp:16,rs),ccr        mulxu.b rs,rd
     *  ldc  @(disp:24,rs),ccr     *  mulxu.w rs,rd
     *  ldc  @rs+,ccr              *  mulxs.b rs,rd
     *  ldc  @rs,ccr               *  mulxs.w rs,rd
     *  mov.b @(disp:24,rs),rd        neg.b rs
     *  mov.b rs,@(disp:24,rd)     *  neg.w rs
        mov.b @abs:16,rd           *  neg.l rs
        mov.b rs,rd                   nop
        mov.b @abs:8,rd               not.b rs
        mov.b rs,@abs:8            *  not.w rs
        mov.b rs,rd                *  not.l rs
        mov.b #imm,rd                 or.b #imm,rd
        mov.b @rs,rd                  or.b rs,rd
        mov.b @(disp:16,rs),rd     *  or.w #imm,rd
        mov.b @rs+,rd              *  or.w rs,rd
        mov.b @abs:8,rd            *  or.l #imm,rd
        mov.b rs,@rd               *  or.l rs,rd
        mov.b rs,@(disp:16,rd)        orc  #imm,ccr
        mov.b rs,@-rd                 pop.w rs
        mov.b rs,@abs:8            *  pop.l rs
        mov.w rs,@rd                  push.w rs
     *  mov.w @(disp:24,rs),rd     *  push.l rs
     *  mov.w rs,@(disp:24,rd)        rotl.b rs
     *  mov.w @abs:24,rd           *  rotl.w rs
     *  mov.w rs,@abs:24           *  rotl.l rs
        mov.w rs,rd                   rotr.b rs
        mov.w #imm,rd              *  rotr.w rs
        mov.w @rs,rd               *  rotr.l rs
        mov.w @(disp:16,rs),rd        rotxl.b rs
        mov.w @rs+,rd              *  rotxl.w rs
        mov.w @abs:16,rd           *  rotxl.l rs
        mov.w rs,@(disp:16,rd)        rotxr.b rs
        mov.w rs,@-rd              *  rotxr.w rs
     *  rotxr.l rs                 *  stc  ccr,@(disp:24,rd)
        bpt                        *  stc  ccr,@-rd
        rte                        *  stc  ccr,@abs:16
        rts                        *  stc  ccr,@abs:24
        shal.b rs                     sub.b rs,rd
     *  shal.w rs                     sub.w rs,rd
     *  shal.l rs                  *  sub.w #imm,rd
        shar.b rs                  *  sub.l rs,rd
     *  shar.w rs                  *  sub.l #imm,rd
     *  shar.l rs                     subs #imm,rd
        shll.b rs                     subx #imm,rd
     *  shll.w rs                     subx rs,rd
     *  shll.l rs                  *  trapa #imm
        shlr.b rs                     xor  #imm,rd
     *  shlr.w rs                     xor  rs,rd
     *  shlr.l rs                  *  xor.w #imm,rd
        sleep                      *  xor.w rs,rd
        stc  ccr,rd                *  xor.l #imm,rd
     *  stc  ccr,@rs               *  xor.l rs,rd
     *  stc  ccr,@(disp:16,rd)        xorc #imm,ccr

   Four H8/300 instructions (`add', `cmp', `mov', `sub') are defined
with variants using the suffixes `.b', `.w', and `.l' to specify the
size of a memory operand.  `as' supports these suffixes, but does not
require them; since one of the operands is always a register, `as' can
deduce the correct size.

   For example, since `r0' refers to a 16-bit register,
     mov    r0,@foo
is equivalent to
     mov.w  r0,@foo

   If you use the size suffixes, `as' issues a warning when the suffix
and the register size do not match.

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