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HPPA Assembler Directives

   `as' for the HPPA supports many additional directives for
compatibility with the native assembler.  This section describes them
only briefly.  For detailed information on HPPA-specific assembler
directives, see `HP9000 Series 800 Assembly Language Reference Manual'
(HP 92432-90001).

   `as' does _not_ support the following assembler directives described
in the HP manual:

     .endm           .liston
     .enter          .locct
     .leave          .macro

   Beyond those implemented for compatibility, `as' supports one
additional assembler directive for the HPPA: `.param'.  It conveys
register argument locations for static functions.  Its syntax closely
follows the `.export' directive.

   These are the additional directives in `as' for the HPPA:

`.block N'
`.blockz N'
     Reserve N bytes of storage, and initialize them to zero.

     Mark the beginning of a procedure call.  Only the special case
     with _no arguments_ is allowed.

`.callinfo [ PARAM=VALUE, ... ]  [ FLAG, ... ]'
     Specify a number of parameters and flags that define the
     environment for a procedure.

     PARAM may be any of `frame' (frame size), `entry_gr' (end of
     general register range), `entry_fr' (end of float register range),
     `entry_sr' (end of space register range).

     The values for FLAG are `calls' or `caller' (proc has
     subroutines), `no_calls' (proc does not call subroutines),
     `save_rp' (preserve return pointer), `save_sp' (proc preserves
     stack pointer), `no_unwind' (do not unwind this proc), `hpux_int'
     (proc is interrupt routine).

     Assemble into the standard section called `$TEXT$', subsection

`.copyright "STRING"'
     In the SOM object format, insert STRING into the object code,
     marked as a copyright string.

`.copyright "STRING"'
     In the ELF object format, insert STRING into the object code,
     marked as a version string.

     Not yet supported; the assembler rejects programs containing this

     Mark the beginning of a procedure.

     Mark the end of a procedure.

`.export NAME [ ,TYP ]  [ ,PARAM=R ]'
     Make a procedure NAME available to callers.  TYP, if present, must
     be one of `absolute', `code' (ELF only, not SOM), `data', `entry',
     `data', `entry', `millicode', `plabel', `pri_prog', or `sec_prog'.

     PARAM, if present, provides either relocation information for the
     procedure arguments and result, or a privilege level.  PARAM may be
     `argwN' (where N ranges from `0' to `3', and indicates one of four
     one-word arguments); `rtnval' (the procedure's result); or
     `priv_lev' (privilege level).  For arguments or the result, R
     specifies how to relocate, and must be one of `no' (not
     relocatable), `gr' (argument is in general register), `fr' (in
     floating point register), or `fu' (upper half of float register).
     For `priv_lev', R is an integer.

`.half N'
     Define a two-byte integer constant N; synonym for the portable
     `as' directive `.short'.

`.import NAME [ ,TYP ]'
     Converse of `.export'; make a procedure available to call.  The
     arguments use the same conventions as the first two arguments for

`.label NAME'
     Define NAME as a label for the current assembly location.

     Not yet supported; the assembler rejects programs containing this

`.origin LC'
     Advance location counter to LC. Synonym for the `{No value for
     `as'}' portable directive `.org'.

`.param NAME [ ,TYP ]  [ ,PARAM=R ]'
     Similar to `.export', but used for static procedures.

     Use preceding the first statement of a procedure.

     Use following the last statement of a procedure.

     Synonym for `.equ'; define LABEL with the absolute expression EXPR
     as its value.

`.space SECNAME [ ,PARAMS ]'
     Switch to section SECNAME, creating a new section by that name if
     necessary.  You may only use PARAMS when creating a new section,
     not when switching to an existing one.  SECNAME may identify a
     section by number rather than by name.

     If specified, the list PARAMS declares attributes of the section,
     identified by keywords.  The keywords recognized are `spnum=EXP'
     (identify this section by the number EXP, an absolute expression),
     `sort=EXP' (order sections according to this sort key when linking;
     EXP is an absolute expression), `unloadable' (section contains no
     loadable data), `notdefined' (this section defined elsewhere), and
     `private' (data in this section not available to other programs).

`.spnum SECNAM'
     Allocate four bytes of storage, and initialize them with the
     section number of the section named SECNAM.  (You can define the
     section number with the HPPA `.space' directive.)

`.string "STR"'
     Copy the characters in the string STR to the object file.  Note:
     Strings, for information on escape sequences you can use
     in `as' strings.

     _Warning!_ The HPPA version of `.string' differs from the usual
     `as' definition: it does _not_ write a zero byte after copying STR.

`.stringz "STR"'
     Like `.string', but appends a zero byte after copying STR to object

`.subspa NAME [ ,PARAMS ]'
`.nsubspa NAME [ ,PARAMS ]'
     Similar to `.space', but selects a subsection NAME within the
     current section.  You may only specify PARAMS when you create a
     subsection (in the first instance of `.subspa' for this NAME).

     If specified, the list PARAMS declares attributes of the
     subsection, identified by keywords.  The keywords recognized are
     `quad=EXPR' ("quadrant" for this subsection), `align=EXPR'
     (alignment for beginning of this subsection; a power of two),
     `access=EXPR' (value for "access rights" field), `sort=EXPR'
     (sorting order for this subspace in link), `code_only' (subsection
     contains only code), `unloadable' (subsection cannot be loaded
     into memory), `common' (subsection is common block), `dup_comm'
     (initialized data may have duplicate names), or `zero' (subsection
     is all zeros, do not write in object file).

     `.nsubspa' always creates a new subspace with the given name, even
     if one with the same name already exists.

`.version "STR"'
     Write STR as version identifier in object code.

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