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   The PDP-11 version of `as' has a rich set of machine dependent

Code Generation Options

`-mpic | -mno-pic'
     Generate position-independent (or position-dependent) code.

     The default is to generate position-independent code.

Instruction Set Extention Options

   These options enables or disables the use of extensions over the base
line instruction set as introduced by the first PDP-11 CPU: the KA11.
Most options come in two variants: a `-m'EXTENSION that enables
EXTENSION, and a `-mno-'EXTENSION that disables EXTENSION.

   The default is to enable all extensions.

`-mall | -mall-extensions'
     Enable all instruction set extensions.

     Disable all instruction set extensions.

`-mcis | -mno-cis'
     Enable (or disable) the use of the commersial instruction set,
     which consists of these instructions: `ADDNI', `ADDN', `ADDPI',
     `ADDP', `ASHNI', `ASHN', `ASHPI', `ASHP', `CMPCI', `CMPC',
     `CVTPNI', `CVTPN', `DIVPI', `DIVP', `L2DR', `L3DR', `LOCCI',
     `SKPC', `SPANCI', `SPANC', `SUBNI', `SUBN', `SUBPI', and `SUBP'.

`-mcsm | -mno-csm'
     Enable (or disable) the use of the `CSM' instruction.

`-meis | -mno-eis'
     Enable (or disable) the use of the extended instruction set, which
     consists of these instructions: `ASHC', `ASH', `DIV', `MARK',
     `MUL', `RTT', `SOB' `SXT', and `XOR'.

`-mfis | -mkev11'
`-mno-fis | -mno-kev11'
     Enable (or diasble) the use of the KEV11 floating-point
     instructions: `FADD', `FDIV', `FMUL', and `FSUB'.

`-mfpp | -mfpu | -mfp-11'
`-mno-fpp | -mno-fpu | -mno-fp-11'
     Enable (or disable) the use of FP-11 floating-point instructions:
     `ABSF', `ADDF', `CFCC', `CLRF', `CMPF', `DIVF', `LDCFF', `LDCIF',
     `LDEXP', `LDF', `LDFPS', `MODF', `MULF', `NEGF', `SETD', `SETF',
     `SETI', `SETL', `STCFF', `STCFI', `STEXP', `STF', `STFPS', `STST',
     `SUBF', and `TSTF'.

`-mlimited-eis | -mno-limited-eis'
     Enable (or disable) the use of the limited extended instruction
     set: `MARK', `RTT', `SOB', `SXT', and `XOR'.

     The -mno-limited-eis options also implies -mno-eis.

`-mmfpt | -mno-mfpt'
     Enable (or disable) the use of the `MFPT' instruction.

`-mmultiproc | -mno-multiproc'
     Enable (or disable) the use of multiprocessor instructions:
     `TSTSET' and `WRTLCK'.

`-mmxps | -mno-mxps'
     Enable (or disable) the use of the `MFPS' and `MTPS' instructions.

`-mspl | -mno-spl'
     Enable (or disable) the use of the `SPL' instruction.

     Enable (or disable) the use of the microcode instructions: `LDUB',
     `MED', and `XFC'.

CPU Model Options

   These options enable the instruction set extensions supported by a
particular CPU, and disables all other extensions.

     KA11 CPU.  Base line instruction set only.

     KB11 CPU.  Enable extended instruction set and `SPL'.

     KD11-A CPU.  Enable limited extended instruction set.

     KD11-B CPU.  Base line instruction set only.

     KD11-D CPU.  Base line instruction set only.

     KD11-E CPU.  Enable extended instruction set, `MFPS', and `MTPS'.

`-mkd11f | -mkd11h | -mkd11q'
     KD11-F, KD11-H, or KD11-Q CPU.  Enable limited extended
     instruction set, `MFPS', and `MTPS'.

     KD11-K CPU.  Enable extended instruction set, `LDUB', `MED',
     `MFPS', `MFPT', `MTPS', and `XFC'.

     KD11-Z CPU.  Enable extended instruction set, `CSM', `MFPS',
     `MFPT', `MTPS', and `SPL'.

     F11 CPU.  Enable extended instruction set, `MFPS', `MFPT', and

     J11 CPU.  Enable extended instruction set, `CSM', `MFPS', `MFPT',
     `MTPS', `SPL', `TSTSET', and `WRTLCK'.

     T11 CPU.  Enable limited extended instruction set, `MFPS', and

Machine Model Options

   These options enable the instruction set extensions supported by a
particular machine model, and disables all other extensions.

     Same as `-mkd11f'.

     Same as `-mkd11d'.

`-m11/05 | -m11/10'
     Same as `-mkd11b'.

`-m11/15 | -m11/20'
     Same as `-mka11'.

     Same as `-mt11'.

`-m11/23 | -m11/24'
     Same as `-mf11'.

     Same as `-mkd11e'.

     Ame as `-mkd11e' `-mfpp'.

`-m11/35 | -m11/40'
     Same as `-mkd11a'.

     Same as `-mkd11z'.

`-m11/45 | -m11/50 | -m11/55 | -m11/70'
     Same as `-mkb11'.

`-m11/53 | -m11/73 | -m11/83 | -m11/84 | -m11/93 | -m11/94'
     Same as `-mj11'.

     Same as `-mkd11k'.

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