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CVS's exit status

   CVS can indicate to the calling environment whether it succeeded or
failed by setting its "exit status".  The exact way of testing the exit
status will vary from one operating system to another.  For example in
a unix shell script the `$?' variable will be 0 if the last command
returned a successful exit status, or greater than 0 if the exit status
indicated failure.

   If CVS is successful, it returns a successful status; if there is an
error, it prints an error message and returns a failure status.  The
one exception to this is the `cvs diff' command.  It will return a
successful status if it found no differences, or a failure status if
there were differences or if there was an error.  Because this behavior
provides no good way to detect errors, in the future it is possible that
`cvs diff' will be changed to behave like the other CVS commands.

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