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Info Node: ( a checked out copy

( a checked out copy

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Keeping a checked out copy

   It is often useful to maintain a directory tree which contains files
which correspond to the latest version in the repository.  For example,
other developers might want to refer to the latest sources without
having to check them out, or you might be maintaining a web site with
CVS and want every checkin to cause the files used by the web server to
be updated.

   The way to do this is by having loginfo invoke `cvs update'.  Doing
so in the naive way will cause a problem with locks, so the `cvs update'
must be run in the background.  Here is an example for unix (this
should all be on one line):

     ^cyclic-pages		(date; cat; (sleep 2; cd /u/www/local-docs;
      cvs -q update -d) &) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/updatelog 2>&1

   This will cause checkins to repository directories starting with
`cyclic-pages' to update the checked out tree in `/u/www/local-docs'.

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