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How the modules file "program options" programs are run

For checkout, rtag, and export, the program is server-based, and as
such the following applies:-

   If using remote access methods (pserver, ext, etc.), CVS will
execute this program on the server from a temporary directory. The path
is searched for this program.

   If using "local access" (on a local or remote NFS filesystem, i.e.
repository set just to a path), the program will be executed from the
newly checked-out tree, if found there, or alternatively searched for
in the path if not.

The commit and update programs are locally-based, and are run as

   The program is always run locally. One must re-checkout the tree one
is using if these options are updated in the modules administrative
file. The file CVS/Checkin.prog contains the value of the option `-i'
set in the modules file, and similarly for the file CVS/Update.prog and
`-u'. The program is always executed from the top level of the
checked-out copy on the client. Again, the program is first searched
for in the checked-out copy and then using the path.

   The programs are all run after the operation has effectively

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