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Accessing A Repository

Before you can do anything, you must tell CVS the location of the
repository you'll be accessing.  This isn't a concern if you already
have a working copy checked out - any working copy knows what
repository it came from, so CVS can automatically deduce the repository
for a given working copy.  However, let's assume you don't have a
working copy yet, so you need to tell CVS explicitly where to go.  This
is done with the -d global option (the -d stands for "directory", an
abbreviation for which there is a historical justification, although -r
for "repository" might have been better), followed by the path to the
repository.  For example, assuming the repository is on the local
machine in /usr/local/cvs (a fairly standard location):

     floss$ cvs -d /usr/local/cvs command

In many cases, however, the repository is on another machine and must
therefore be reached over the network.  CVS provides a choice of network
access methods; which one you'll use depends mostly on the security
needs of the repository machine (hereinafter referred to as "the
server").  Setting up the server to allow various remote access methods
is covered in Note: Repository Administration; here we'll deal only
with the client side.

Fortunately, all the remote access methods share a common invocation
syntax.  In general, to specify a remote repository as opposed to a
local one, you just use a longer repository path.  You first name the
access method, delimited on each side by colons, followed by the
username and the server name (joined with an @ sign), another separator
colon, and finally the path to the repository directory on the server.

Let's look at the "pserver" access method, which stands for
"password-authenticated server":

     floss$ cvs -d login
     (Logging in to
     CVS password: (enter your CVS password here)

The long repository path following -d told CVS to use the pserver access
method, with the username jrandom, on the server, which
has a CVS repository in /usr/local/cvs.  There's no requirement that the
hostname be "" by the way; that's a common convention,
but it could just as easily have been:

     floss$ cvs -d command

The command actually run was login, which verifies that you are
authorized to work with this repository.  It prompts for a password,
then contacts the server to verify the password.  Following Unix custom,
cvs login returns silently if the login succeeds; it shows an error
message if it fails (for instance, because the password is incorrect).

You only have to log in once from your local machine to a given CVS
server.  After a successful login, CVS stores the password in your home
directory, in a file called .cvspass.  It consults that file every time
a repository is contacted via the pserver method, so you only have to
run login the first time you access a given CVS server from a particular
client machine.  Of course, you can rerun cvs login anytime if the
password changes.

Note: pserver is currently the only access method requiring an initial
login like this; with the others, you can start running regular CVS
commands immediately.

Once you've stored the authentication information in your .cvspass file,
you can run other CVS commands using the same command-line syntax:

     floss$ cvs -d command

Getting pserver to work in Windows may require an extra step.  Windows
doesn't have the Unix concept of a home directory, so CVS doesn't know
where to put the .cvspass file.  You'll have to specify a location.
It's normal to designate the root of the C: drive as the home directory:

     C:\WINDOWS> set HOME=C:
     C:\WINDOWS> cvs -d login
     (Logging in to
     CVS password: (enter password here)

Any folder in the file system will suffice.  You may want to avoid
network drives, though, because the contents of your .cvspass file would
then be visible to anyone with access to the drive.

In addition to pserver, CVS supports the ext method (which uses an
external connection program, such as rsh or ssh), kserver (for the
Kerberos security system version 4), and gserver (which uses the GSSAPI,
or Generic Security Services API, and also handles Kerberos versions 5
and higher).  These methods are similar to pserver, but each has its own

Of these, the `ext' method is probably the most commonly used.  If you
can log into the server with rsh or ssh, you can use the `ext' method.
You can test it like this:

     floss$ rsh -l jrandom
     Password: enter your login password here

Okay, let's assume you successfully logged in and logged out of the
server with rsh, so now you're back on the original client machine:

     floss$ CVS_RSH=rsh; export CVS_RSH
     floss$ cvs -d command

The first line sets (in Unix Bourne shell syntax) the CVS_RSH
environment variable to rsh, which tells CVS to use the rsh program to
connect.  The second line can be any CVS command; you will be prompted
for your password so CVS can log into the server.

If you're in C shell rather than in Bourne shell, try this:

     floss% setenv CVS_RSH rsh

and for Windows, try this:

     C:\WINDOWS> set CVS_RSH=rsh

The rest of the tour will use the Bourne syntax; translate for your
environment as necessary.

To use ssh (the Secure Shell) instead of rsh, just set the CVS_RSH
variable appropriately:

     floss$ CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH

Don't get thrown by the fact that the variable's name is CVS_RSH but
you're setting its value to ssh.  There are historical reasons for this
(the catch-all Unix excuse, I know).  CVS_RSH can point to the name of
any program capable of logging you into the remote server, running
commands, and receiving their output.  After rsh, ssh is probably the
most common such program, although there are probably others.  Note that
this program must not modify its data stream in any way.  This
disqualifies the Windows NT rsh, because it converts (or attempts to
convert) between the DOS and Unix line-ending conventions.  You'd have
to get some other rsh for Windows or use a different access method.

The gserver and kserver methods are not used as often as the others and
are not covered here.  They're quite similar to what we've covered so
far; see the Cederqvist for details.

If you only use one repository and don't want to type -d repos each
time, just set the CVSROOT environment variable (which perhaps should
have been named CVSREPOS, but it's too late to change that now):

     floss$ CVSROOT=/usr/local/cvs
     floss$ export CVSROOT
     floss$ echo $CVSROOT

or maybe

     floss$ export CVSROOT
     floss$ echo $CVSROOT

The rest of this tour assumes that you've set CVSROOT to point to your
repository, so the examples will not show the -d option.  If you need to
access many different repositories, you should not set CVSROOT and
should just use -d repos when you need to specify the repository.

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