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( keeps changing file permissions; why does it do that?

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CVS keeps changing file permissions; why does it do that?

In general, CVS doesn't do a very good job of preserving permissions on
files.  When you import a project and then check it out, there is no
guarantee that the file permissions in the new working copy will be the
same as when the project was imported.  More likely, the working copy
files will be created with the same standard permissions that you
normally get on newly created files.

However, there is at least one exception.  If you want to store
executable shell scripts in the project, you can keep them executable in
all working copies by making the corresponding repository file

     floss$ ls -l /usr/local/newrepos/someproj
     total 6
     -r--r--r--   1 jrandom  users         630 Aug 17 01:10 README.txt,v
     -r-xr-xr-x   1 jrandom  users        1041 Aug 17 01:10,v*
     -r--r--r--   1 jrandom  users         750 Aug 17 01:10 hello.c,v

Notice that although the file is executable, it is still read-only, as
all repository files should be (remember that CVS works by making a
temporary copy of the RCS file, doing everything in the copy, and then
replacing the original with the copy when ready).

When you import or add an executable file, CVS preserves the executable
bits, so if the permissions were correct from the start, you have
nothing to worry about.  However, if you accidentally add the file
before making it executable, you must go into the repository and
manually set the RCS file to be executable.

The repository permissions always dominate.  If the file is
nonexecutable in the repository, but executable in the working copy, the
working copy file will also be nonexecutable after you do an update.
Having your files' permissions silently change can be extremely
frustrating.  If this happens, first check the repository and see if you
can solve it by setting the appropriate permissions on the corresponding
RCS files.

A feature called `PreservePermissions' has recently been added to CVS
that may alleviate some of these problems.  However, using this feature
can cause other unexpected results (which is why I'm not recommending
it unconditionally here).  Make sure you read the nodes `config' and
`Special Files' in the Cederqvist before putting
`PreservePermissions=yes' in CVSROOT/config.

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