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Repository Structure

The new repository still has no projects in it.  Let's re-run the
initial import from Note: An Overview of CVS, watching what happens to
the repository. (For simplicity's sake, all commands will assume that
the CVSROOT environment variable has been set to /usr/local/newrepos, so
there's no need to specify the repository with -d on imports and

     floss$ ls /usr/local/newrepos
     floss$ pwd
     floss$ ls
     floss$ cd myproj
     floss$ cvs import -m "initial import into CVS" myproj jrandom start
     N myproj/README.txt
     N myproj/hello.c
     cvs import: Importing /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/a-subdir
     N myproj/a-subdir/whatever.c
     cvs import: Importing /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/a-subdir/subsubdir
     N myproj/a-subdir/subsubdir/fish.c
     cvs import: Importing /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/b-subdir
     N myproj/b-subdir/random.c
     No conflicts created by this import
     floss$ ls /usr/local/newrepos
     CVSROOT/  myproj/
     floss$ cd /usr/local/newrepos/myproj
     floss$ ls
     README.txt,v  a-subdir/     b-subdir/	  hello.c,v
     floss$ cd a-subdir
     floss$ ls
     subsubdir/    whatever.c,v
     floss$ cd ..

Before the import, the repository contained only its administrative
area, CVSROOT.  After the import, a new directory - `myproj' -
appeared.  The files and subdirectories inside that new directory look
suspiciously like the project we imported, except that the files have
the suffix `,v'.  These are RCS-format version control files (the `,v'
stands for "version"), and they are the backbone of the repository.
Each RCS file stores the revision history of its corresponding file in
the project, including all branches and tags.

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