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( Watches Look Like In The Repository

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What Watches Look Like In The Repository

In the interests of stamping out black boxes and needless mystery, let's
take a quick look at how watches are implemented in the repository.
We'll only take a quick look, though, because it's not pretty.

When you set a watch

     floss$ pwd
     floss$ cvs watch add hello.c
     floss$ cvs watchers
     hello.c jrandom edit    unedit  commit

CVS records it in the special file, `CVS/fileattr', in the appropriate
repository subdirectory:

     floss$ cd /usr/local/newrepos
     floss$ ls
     CVSROOT/   myproj/
     floss$ cd myproj
     floss$ ls
     CVS/          a-subdir/     foo.gif,v
     README.txt,v  b-subdir/     hello.c,v
     floss$ cd CVS
     floss$ ls
     floss$ cat fileattr
     Fhello.c        _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit

The fact that fileattr is stored in a CVS subdirectory in the repository
does not mean that the repository has become a working copy.  It's
simply that the name `CVS' was already reserved for bookkeeping in the
working copy, so CVS can be sure no project will ever need a
subdirectory of that name in the repository.

I won't describe the format of `fileattr' formally; you can probably
grok it pretty well just by watching it change from command to command:

     floss$ cvs watch add hello.c
     floss$ cat /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr
     Fhello.c        _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit
     floss$ cvs watch add README.txt
     floss$ cat /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr
     Fhello.c        _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit
     FREADME.txt     _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit
     floss$ cvs watch on hello.c
     floss$ cat /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr
     Fhello.c        _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit;_watched=
     FREADME.txt     _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit
     floss$ cvs watch remove hello.c
     floss$ cat /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr
     Fhello.c        _watched=
     FREADME.txt     _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit
     floss$ cvs watch off hello.c
     floss$ cat /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr
     FREADME.txt     _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit

Edit records are stored in fileattr, too.  Here's what happens when
qsmith adds himself as an editor:

     paste$ cvs edit hello.c
     floss$ cat /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr
     Fhello.c        _watched=;_editors=qsmith>Tue Jul 20 04:53:23 1999 GMT+floss\
     FREADME.txt     _watchers=jrandom>edit+unedit+commit

Finally, note that CVS removes fileattr and the CVS subdirectory when
there are no more watchers or editors for any of the files in that

     paste$ cvs unedit
     floss$ cvs watch off
     floss$ cvs watch remove
     floss$ cat /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr
     cat: /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/CVS/fileattr: No such file or directory

It should be clear after this brief exposure that the details of parsing
fileattr format are better left to CVS.  The main reason to have a basic
understanding of the format - aside from the inherent satisfaction of
knowing what's going on behind the curtain - is if you try to write an
extension to the CVS watch features or debug some problem in them.  It's
sufficient to know that you shouldn't be alarmed if you see CVS/
subdirectories popping up in your repository.  They're the only safe
place CVS has to store meta-information such as watch lists.

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