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Synopsis: commit [OPTIONS] [FILES]

   * Alternate names - ci, com

   * Requires - Working copy, repository

   * Changes - Repository (and working copy administrative area)

Commits changes from a working copy to the repository.


   * -F MSGFILE - Uses the contents of MSGFILE for the log message
     instead of invoking an editor.  This option cannot be combined
     with -m.

   * -f - Forces commit of a new revision even if no changes have been
     made to the files.  `commit' does not recurse with this option (it
     implies -l).  You can force it to recurse with -R.

     This meaning of -f is at odds with its usual meaning ("force to
     head revision") in CVS commands.

   * -l - Local.  Commits changes from the current directory only.
     Doesn't descend into subdirectories.

   * -m MESSAGE - Uses MESSAGE as the log message instead of invoking an
     editor.  Cannot be used with -F.

   * -n - Does not run any module program. (See the section Note:
     Repository Administrative Files in this chapter for information
     about module programs.)

   * -R - Commits changes from subdirectories as well as from the
     current directory (the default).  This option is used only to
     counteract the effect of a -l in .cvsrc.

   * -r REV - Commits to revision REV, which must be either a branch or
     a revision on the trunk that is higher than any existing revision.
     Commits to a branch always go on the tip of the branch (extending
     it); you cannot commit to a specific revision on a branch.  Use of
     this option sets the new revision as a sticky tag on the file.
     This can be cleared with update -A.

     The -r REV option implies -f as well.  A new revision is committed
     even if there are no changes to commit.

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