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Synopsis: remove [OPTIONS] [FILES]

   * Alternate names - rm, delete

   * Requires - Working copy

   * Changes - Working copy

Removes a file from a project.  Normally, the file itself is removed
from disk when you invoke this command (but see -f).  Although this
command operates recursively by default, it is common to explicitly name
the files being removed.  Note the odd implication of the previous
sentence: Usually, you run cvs remove on files that don't exist anymore
in your working copy.

Although the repository is contacted for confirmation, the file is not
actually removed until a subsequent commit is performed.  Even then, the
RCS file is not really removed from the repository; if it is removed
from the trunk, it is just moved into an Attic/ subdirectory, where it
is still available to exist on branches.  If it is removed from a
branch, its location is not changed, but a new revision with state dead
is added on the branch. (See also Note: add.)


   * -f - Force.  Deletes the file from disk before removing it from
     CVS.  This meaning differs from the usual meaning of -f in CVS
     commands: "Force to head revision".

   * -l - Local.  Runs only in current working directory.

   * -R - Recursive.  Descends into subdirectories (the default).  This
     option exists only to counteract a -l in .cvsrc.

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