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The CVS client/server protocol

   In the following, `\n' refers to a linefeed and `\t' refers to a
horizontal tab; "requests" are what the client sends and "responses"
are what the server sends.  In general, the connection is governed by
the client--the server does not send responses without first receiving
requests to do so; see Note: Response intro for more details of this

   It is typical, early in the connection, for the client to transmit a
`Valid-responses' request, containing all the responses it supports,
followed by a `valid-requests' request, which elicits from the server a
`Valid-requests' response containing all the requests it understands.
In this way, the client and server each find out what the other
supports before exchanging large amounts of data (such as file

General protocol conventions:

Entries Lines
Transmitting RCS data
File Modes
Read, write, execute, and possibly more...
Conventions regarding filenames
File transmissions
How file contents are transmitted
Strings in various requests and responses
Times and dates
The protocol itself:

Request intro
General conventions relating to requests
List of requests
Response intro
General conventions relating to responses
Response pathnames
The "pathname" in responses
List of responses
Text tags
More details about the MT response
An example session, and some further observations:

A conversation between client and server
Things not to omit from an implementation
Former protocol features

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