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Info Node: (elisp)Auto Major Mode

(elisp)Auto Major Mode

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How Emacs Chooses a Major Mode

   Based on information in the file name or in the file itself, Emacs
automatically selects a major mode for the new buffer when a file is
visited.  It also processes local variables specified in the file text.

 - Command: fundamental-mode
     Fundamental mode is a major mode that is not specialized for
     anything in particular.  Other major modes are defined in effect
     by comparison with this one--their definitions say what to change,
     starting from Fundamental mode.  The `fundamental-mode' function
     does _not_ run any hooks; you're not supposed to customize it.
     (If you want Emacs to behave differently in Fundamental mode,
     change the _global_ state of Emacs.)

 - Command: normal-mode &optional find-file
     This function establishes the proper major mode and buffer-local
     variable bindings for the current buffer.  First it calls
     `set-auto-mode', then it runs `hack-local-variables' to parse, and
     bind or evaluate as appropriate, the file's local variables.

     If the FIND-FILE argument to `normal-mode' is non-`nil',
     `normal-mode' assumes that the `find-file' function is calling it.
     In this case, it may process a local variables list at the end of
     the file and in the `-*-' line.  The variable
     `enable-local-variables' controls whether to do so.  Note: Local
     Variables in Files, for the syntax of the
     local variables section of a file.

     If you run `normal-mode' interactively, the argument FIND-FILE is
     normally `nil'.  In this case, `normal-mode' unconditionally
     processes any local variables list.

     `normal-mode' uses `condition-case' around the call to the major
     mode function, so errors are caught and reported as a `File mode
     specification error',  followed by the original error message.

 - Function: set-auto-mode
     This function selects the major mode that is appropriate for the
     current buffer.  It may base its decision on the value of the `-*-'
     line, on the visited file name (using `auto-mode-alist'), on the
     `#!' line (using `interpreter-mode-alist'), or on the file's local
     variables list.  However, this function does not look for the
     `mode:' local variable near the end of a file; the
     `hack-local-variables' function does that.  Note: How Major Modes
     are Chosen.

 - User Option: default-major-mode
     This variable holds the default major mode for new buffers.  The
     standard value is `fundamental-mode'.

     If the value of `default-major-mode' is `nil', Emacs uses the
     (previously) current buffer's major mode for the major mode of a
     new buffer.  However, if that major mode symbol has a `mode-class'
     property with value `special', then it is not used for new buffers;
     Fundamental mode is used instead.  The modes that have this
     property are those such as Dired and Rmail that are useful only
     with text that has been specially prepared.

 - Function: set-buffer-major-mode buffer
     This function sets the major mode of BUFFER to the value of
     `default-major-mode'.  If that variable is `nil', it uses the
     current buffer's major mode (if that is suitable).

     The low-level primitives for creating buffers do not use this
     function, but medium-level commands such as `switch-to-buffer' and
     `find-file-noselect' use it whenever they create buffers.

 - Variable: initial-major-mode
     The value of this variable determines the major mode of the initial
     `*scratch*' buffer.  The value should be a symbol that is a major
     mode command.  The default value is `lisp-interaction-mode'.

 - Variable: auto-mode-alist
     This variable contains an association list of file name patterns
     (regular expressions; Note: Regular Expressions) and
     corresponding major mode commands.  Usually, the file name
     patterns test for suffixes, such as `.el' and `.c', but this need
     not be the case.  An ordinary element of the alist looks like

     For example,

          (("\\`/tmp/fol/" . text-mode)
           ("\\.texinfo\\'" . texinfo-mode)
           ("\\.texi\\'" . texinfo-mode)
           ("\\.el\\'" . emacs-lisp-mode)
           ("\\.c\\'" . c-mode)
           ("\\.h\\'" . c-mode)

     When you visit a file whose expanded file name (Note: File Name
     Expansion) matches a REGEXP, `set-auto-mode' calls the
     corresponding MODE-FUNCTION.  This feature enables Emacs to select
     the proper major mode for most files.

     If an element of `auto-mode-alist' has the form `(REGEXP FUNCTION
     t)', then after calling FUNCTION, Emacs searches `auto-mode-alist'
     again for a match against the portion of the file name that did
     not match before.  This feature is useful for uncompression
     packages: an entry of the form `("\\.gz\\'" FUNCTION t)' can
     uncompress the file and then put the uncompressed file in the
     proper mode according to the name sans `.gz'.

     Here is an example of how to prepend several pattern pairs to
     `auto-mode-alist'.  (You might use this sort of expression in your
     init file.)

          (setq auto-mode-alist
             ;; File name (within directory) starts with a dot.
             '(("/\\.[^/]*\\'" . fundamental-mode)
               ;; File name has no dot.
               ("[^\\./]*\\'" . fundamental-mode)
               ;; File name ends in `.C'.
               ("\\.C\\'" . c++-mode))

 - Variable: interpreter-mode-alist
     This variable specifies major modes to use for scripts that
     specify a command interpreter in a `#!' line.  Its value is a list
     of elements of the form `(INTERPRETER . MODE)'; for example,
     `("perl" . perl-mode)' is one element present by default.  The
     element says to use mode MODE if the file specifies an interpreter
     which matches INTERPRETER.  The value of INTERPRETER is actually a
     regular expression.

     This variable is applicable only when the `auto-mode-alist' does
     not indicate which major mode to use.

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