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Info Node: (elisp)Auto-Saving


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   Emacs periodically saves all files that you are visiting; this is
called "auto-saving".  Auto-saving prevents you from losing more than a
limited amount of work if the system crashes.  By default, auto-saves
happen every 300 keystrokes, or after around 30 seconds of idle time.
Note: Auto-Save, for information on auto-save for
users.  Here we describe the functions used to implement auto-saving
and the variables that control them.

 - Variable: buffer-auto-save-file-name
     This buffer-local variable is the name of the file used for
     auto-saving the current buffer.  It is `nil' if the buffer should
     not be auto-saved.

               => "/xcssun/users/rms/lewis/#backups.texi#"

 - Command: auto-save-mode arg
     When used interactively without an argument, this command is a
     toggle switch: it turns on auto-saving of the current buffer if it
     is off, and vice versa.  With an argument ARG, the command turns
     auto-saving on if the value of ARG is `t', a nonempty list, or a
     positive integer.  Otherwise, it turns auto-saving off.

 - Function: auto-save-file-name-p filename
     This function returns a non-`nil' value if FILENAME is a string
     that could be the name of an auto-save file.  It assumes the usual
     naming convention for auto-save files: a name that begins and ends
     with hash marks (`#') is a possible auto-save file name.  The
     argument FILENAME should not contain a directory part.

               => "/xcssun/users/rms/lewis/#backups.texi#"
          (auto-save-file-name-p "#backups.texi#")
               => 0
          (auto-save-file-name-p "backups.texi")
               => nil

     The standard definition of this function is as follows:

          (defun auto-save-file-name-p (filename)
            "Return non-nil if FILENAME can be yielded by..."
            (string-match "^#.*#$" filename))

     This function exists so that you can customize it if you wish to
     change the naming convention for auto-save files.  If you redefine
     it, be sure to redefine the function `make-auto-save-file-name'

 - Function: make-auto-save-file-name
     This function returns the file name to use for auto-saving the
     current buffer.  This is just the file name with hash marks (`#')
     prepended and appended to it.  This function does not look at the
     variable `auto-save-visited-file-name' (described below); callers
     of this function should check that variable first.

               => "/xcssun/users/rms/lewis/#backups.texi#"

     The standard definition of this function is as follows:

          (defun make-auto-save-file-name ()
            "Return file name to use for auto-saves \
          of current buffer.."
            (if buffer-file-name
                 (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
                 (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)
               (concat "#%" (buffer-name) "#"))))

     This exists as a separate function so that you can redefine it to
     customize the naming convention for auto-save files.  Be sure to
     change `auto-save-file-name-p' in a corresponding way.

 - Variable: auto-save-visited-file-name
     If this variable is non-`nil', Emacs auto-saves buffers in the
     files they are visiting.  That is, the auto-save is done in the
     same file that you are editing.  Normally, this variable is `nil',
     so auto-save files have distinct names that are created by

     When you change the value of this variable, the new value does not
     take effect in an existing buffer until the next time auto-save
     mode is reenabled in it.  If auto-save mode is already enabled,
     auto-saves continue to go in the same file name until
     `auto-save-mode' is called again.

 - Function: recent-auto-save-p
     This function returns `t' if the current buffer has been
     auto-saved since the last time it was read in or saved.

 - Function: set-buffer-auto-saved
     This function marks the current buffer as auto-saved.  The buffer
     will not be auto-saved again until the buffer text is changed
     again.  The function returns `nil'.

 - User Option: auto-save-interval
     The value of this variable specifies how often to do auto-saving,
     in terms of number of input events.  Each time this many
     additional input events are read, Emacs does auto-saving for all
     buffers in which that is enabled.

 - User Option: auto-save-timeout
     The value of this variable is the number of seconds of idle time
     that should cause auto-saving.  Each time the user pauses for this
     long, Emacs does auto-saving for all buffers in which that is
     enabled.  (If the current buffer is large, the specified timeout
     is multiplied by a factor that increases as the size increases;
     for a million-byte buffer, the factor is almost 4.)

     If the value is zero or nil, then auto-saving is not done as a
     result of idleness, only after a certain number of input events as
     specified by `auto-save-interval'.

 - Variable: auto-save-hook
     This normal hook is run whenever an auto-save is about to happen.

 - User Option: auto-save-default
     If this variable is non-`nil', buffers that are visiting files
     have auto-saving enabled by default.  Otherwise, they do not.

 - Command: do-auto-save &optional no-message current-only
     This function auto-saves all buffers that need to be auto-saved.
     It saves all buffers for which auto-saving is enabled and that
     have been changed since the previous auto-save.

     Normally, if any buffers are auto-saved, a message that says
     `Auto-saving...' is displayed in the echo area while auto-saving is
     going on.  However, if NO-MESSAGE is non-`nil', the message is

     If CURRENT-ONLY is non-`nil', only the current buffer is

 - Function: delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary
     This function deletes the current buffer's auto-save file if
     `delete-auto-save-files' is non-`nil'.  It is called every time a
     buffer is saved.

 - Variable: delete-auto-save-files
     This variable is used by the function
     `delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary'.  If it is non-`nil', Emacs
     deletes auto-save files when a true save is done (in the visited
     file).  This saves disk space and unclutters your directory.

 - Function: rename-auto-save-file
     This function adjusts the current buffer's auto-save file name if
     the visited file name has changed.  It also renames an existing
     auto-save file.  If the visited file name has not changed, this
     function does nothing.

 - Variable: buffer-saved-size
     The value of this buffer-local variable is the length of the
     current buffer, when it was last read in, saved, or auto-saved.
     This is used to detect a substantial decrease in size, and turn
     off auto-saving in response.

     If it is -1, that means auto-saving is temporarily shut off in
     this buffer due to a substantial decrease in size.  Explicitly
     saving the buffer stores a positive value in this variable, thus
     reenabling auto-saving.  Turning auto-save mode off or on also
     updates this variable, so that the substantial decrease in size is

 - Variable: auto-save-list-file-name
     This variable (if non-`nil') specifies a file for recording the
     names of all the auto-save files.  Each time Emacs does
     auto-saving, it writes two lines into this file for each buffer
     that has auto-saving enabled.  The first line gives the name of
     the visited file (it's empty if the buffer has none), and the
     second gives the name of the auto-save file.

     When Emacs exits normally, it deletes this file; if Emacs crashes,
     you can look in the file to find all the auto-save files that
     might contain work that was otherwise lost.  The `recover-session'
     command uses this file to find them.

     The default name for this file specifies your home directory and
     starts with `.saves-'.  It also contains the Emacs process ID and
     the host name.

 - Variable: auto-save-list-file-prefix
     After Emacs reads your init file, it initializes
     `auto-save-list-file-name' (if you have not already set it
     non-`nil') based on this prefix, adding the host name and process
     ID.  If you set this to `nil' in your init file, then Emacs does
     not initialize `auto-save-list-file-name'.

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