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Info Node: (elisp)Backup Names

(elisp)Backup Names

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Naming Backup Files

   The functions in this section are documented mainly because you can
customize the naming conventions for backup files by redefining them.
If you change one, you probably need to change the rest.

 - Function: backup-file-name-p filename
     This function returns a non-`nil' value if FILENAME is a possible
     name for a backup file.  A file with the name FILENAME need not
     exist; the function just checks the name.

          (backup-file-name-p "foo")
               => nil
          (backup-file-name-p "foo~")
               => 3

     The standard definition of this function is as follows:

          (defun backup-file-name-p (file)
            "Return non-nil if FILE is a backup file \
          name (numeric or not)..."
            (string-match "~\\'" file))

     Thus, the function returns a non-`nil' value if the file name ends
     with a `~'.  (We use a backslash to split the documentation
     string's first line into two lines in the text, but produce just
     one line in the string itself.)

     This simple expression is placed in a separate function to make it
     easy to redefine for customization.

 - Function: make-backup-file-name filename
     This function returns a string that is the name to use for a
     non-numbered backup file for file FILENAME.  On Unix, this is just
     FILENAME with a tilde appended.

     The standard definition of this function, on most operating
     systems, is as follows:

          (defun make-backup-file-name (file)
            "Create the non-numeric backup file name for FILE..."
            (concat file "~"))

     You can change the backup-file naming convention by redefining this
     function.  The following example redefines `make-backup-file-name'
     to prepend a `.' in addition to appending a tilde:

          (defun make-backup-file-name (filename)
              (concat "." (file-name-nondirectory filename) "~")
              (file-name-directory filename)))
          (make-backup-file-name "backups.texi")
               => ".backups.texi~"

     Some parts of Emacs, including some Dired commands, assume that
     backup file names end with `~'.  If you do not follow that
     convention, it will not cause serious problems, but these commands
     may give less-than-desirable results.

 - Function: find-backup-file-name filename
     This function computes the file name for a new backup file for
     FILENAME.  It may also propose certain existing backup files for
     deletion.  `find-backup-file-name' returns a list whose CAR is the
     name for the new backup file and whose CDR is a list of backup
     files whose deletion is proposed.

     Two variables, `kept-old-versions' and `kept-new-versions',
     determine which backup versions should be kept.  This function
     keeps those versions by excluding them from the CDR of the value.
     Note: Numbered Backups.

     In this example, the value says that `~rms/foo.~5~' is the name to
     use for the new backup file, and `~rms/foo.~3~' is an "excess"
     version that the caller should consider deleting now.

          (find-backup-file-name "~rms/foo")
               => ("~rms/foo.~5~" "~rms/foo.~3~")

 - Function: file-newest-backup filename
     This function returns the name of the most recent backup file for
     FILENAME, or `nil' if that file has no backup files.

     Some file comparison commands use this function so that they can
     automatically compare a file with its most recent backup.

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