GNU Info

Info Node: (elisp)Common Keywords

(elisp)Common Keywords

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Common Item Keywords

   All kinds of customization declarations (for variables and groups,
and for faces) accept keyword arguments for specifying various
information.  This section describes some keywords that apply to all

   All of these keywords, except `:tag', can be used more than once in
a given item.  Each use of the keyword has an independent effect.  The
keyword `:tag' is an exception because any given item can only display
one name.

`:tag LABEL'
     Use LABEL, a string, instead of the item's name, to label the item
     in customization menus and buffers.

`:group GROUP'
     Put this customization item in group GROUP.  When you use `:group'
     in a `defgroup', it makes the new group a subgroup of GROUP.

     If you use this keyword more than once, you can put a single item
     into more than one group.  Displaying any of those groups will
     show this item.  Please don't overdo this, since the result would
     be annoying.

`:link LINK-DATA'
     Include an external link after the documentation string for this
     item.  This is a sentence containing an active field which
     references some other documentation.

     There are three alternatives you can use for LINK-DATA:

    `(custom-manual INFO-NODE)'
          Link to an Info node; INFO-NODE is a string which specifies
          the node name, as in `"(emacs)Top"'.  The link appears as
          `[manual]' in the customization buffer.

    `(info-link INFO-NODE)'
          Like `custom-manual' except that the link appears in the
          customization buffer with the Info node name.

    `(url-link URL)'
          Link to a web page; URL is a string which specifies the URL.
          The link appears in the customization buffer as URL.

    `(emacs-commentary-link LIBRARY)'
          Link to the commentary section of a library; LIBRARY is a
          string which specifies the library name.

     You can specify the text to use in the customization buffer by
     adding `:tag NAME' after the first element of the LINK-DATA; for
     example, `(info-link :tag "foo" "(emacs)Top")' makes a link to the
     Emacs manual which appears in the buffer as `foo'.

     An item can have more than one external link; however, most items
     have none at all.

`:load FILE'
     Load file FILE (a string) before displaying this customization
     item.  Loading is done with `load-library', and only if the file is
     not already loaded.

`:require FEATURE'
     Require feature FEATURE (a symbol) when installing a value for
     this item (an option or a face) that was saved using the
     customization feature.  This is done by calling `require'.

     The most common reason to use `:require' is when a variable enables
     a feature such as a minor mode, and just setting the variable
     won't have any effect unless the code which implements the mode is

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