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(elisp)Composite Types

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Composite Types

   When none of the simple types is appropriate, you can use composite
types, which build new types from other types.  Here are several ways of
doing that:

`(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives CRITERIA)'
     The value may be any Lisp object that satisfies one of CRITERIA.
     CRITERIA should be a list, and each element should be one of these

        * A predicate--that is, a function of one argument that has no
          side effects, and returns either `nil' or non-`nil' according
          to the argument.  Using a predicate in the list says that
          objects for which the predicate returns non-`nil' are

        * A quoted constant--that is, `'OBJECT'.  This sort of element
          in the list says that OBJECT itself is an acceptable value.

     For example,

          (restricted-sexp :match-alternatives
                           (integerp 't 'nil))

     allows integers, `t' and `nil' as legitimate values.

     The customization buffer shows all legitimate values using their
     read syntax, and the user edits them textually.

     The value must be a cons cell, its CAR must fit CAR-TYPE, and its
     CDR must fit CDR-TYPE.  For example, `(cons string symbol)' is a
     customization type which matches values such as `("foo" . foo)'.

     In the customization buffer, the CAR and the CDR are displayed and
     edited separately, each according to the type that you specify for

`(list ELEMENT-TYPES...)'
     The value must be a list with exactly as many elements as the
     ELEMENT-TYPES you have specified; and each element must fit the
     corresponding ELEMENT-TYPE.

     For example, `(list integer string function)' describes a list of
     three elements; the first element must be an integer, the second a
     string, and the third a function.

     In the customization buffer, each element is displayed and edited
     separately, according to the type specified for it.

`(vector ELEMENT-TYPES...)'
     Like `list' except that the value must be a vector instead of a
     list.  The elements work the same as in `list'.

     The value must fit at least one of ALTERNATIVE-TYPES.  For
     example, `(choice integer string)' allows either an integer or a

     In the customization buffer, the user selects one of the
     alternatives using a menu, and can then edit the value in the
     usual way for that alternative.

     Normally the strings in this menu are determined automatically
     from the choices; however, you can specify different strings for
     the menu by including the `:tag' keyword in the alternatives.  For
     example, if an integer stands for a number of spaces, while a
     string is text to use verbatim, you might write the customization
     type this way,

          (choice (integer :tag "Number of spaces")
                  (string :tag "Literal text"))

     so that the menu offers `Number of spaces' and `Literal Text'.

     In any alternative for which `nil' is not a valid value, other than
     a `const', you should specify a valid default for that alternative
     using the `:value' keyword.  Note: Type Keywords.

`(radio ELEMENT-TYPES...)'
     This is similar to `choice', except that the choices are displayed
     using `radio buttons' rather than a menu.  This has the advantage
     of displaying documentation for the choices when applicable and so
     is often a good choice for a choice between constant functions
     (`function-item' customization types).

`(const VALUE)'
     The value must be VALUE--nothing else is allowed.

     The main use of `const' is inside of `choice'.  For example,
     `(choice integer (const nil))' allows either an integer or `nil'.

     `:tag' is often used with `const', inside of `choice'.  For

          (choice (const :tag "Yes" t)
                  (const :tag "No" nil)
                  (const :tag "Ask" foo))

     describes a variable for which `t' means yes, `nil' means no, and
     `foo' means "ask."

`(other VALUE)'
     This alternative can match any Lisp value, but if the user chooses
     this alternative, that selects the value VALUE.

     The main use of `other' is as the last element of `choice'.  For

          (choice (const :tag "Yes" t)
                  (const :tag "No" nil)
                  (other :tag "Ask" foo))

     describes a variable for which `t' means yes, `nil' means no, and
     anything else means "ask."  If the user chooses `Ask' from the
     menu of alternatives, that specifies the value `foo'; but any
     other value (not `t', `nil' or `foo') displays as `Ask', just like

`(function-item FUNCTION)'
     Like `const', but used for values which are functions.  This
     displays the documentation string as well as the function name.
     The documentation string is either the one you specify with
     `:doc', or FUNCTION's own documentation string.

`(variable-item VARIABLE)'
     Like `const', but used for values which are variable names.  This
     displays the documentation string as well as the variable name.
     The documentation string is either the one you specify with
     `:doc', or VARIABLE's own documentation string.

`(set TYPES...)'
     The value must be a list, and each element of the list must match
     one of the TYPES specified.

     This appears in the customization buffer as a checklist, so that
     each of TYPES may have either one corresponding element or none.
     It is not possible to specify two different elements that match
     the same one of TYPES.  For example, `(set integer symbol)' allows
     one integer and/or one symbol in the list; it does not allow
     multiple integers or multiple symbols.  As a result, it is rare to
     use nonspecific types such as `integer' in a `set'.

     Most often, the TYPES in a `set' are `const' types, as shown here:

          (set (const :bold) (const :italic))

     Sometimes they describe possible elements in an alist:

          (set (cons :tag "Height" (const height) integer)
               (cons :tag "Width" (const width) integer))

     That lets the user specify a height value optionally and a width
     value optionally.

`(repeat ELEMENT-TYPE)'
     The value must be a list and each element of the list must fit the
     type ELEMENT-TYPE.  This appears in the customization buffer as a
     list of elements, with `[INS]' and `[DEL]' buttons for adding more
     elements or removing elements.

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