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Info Node: (elisp)Conditionals


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   Conditional control structures choose among alternatives.  Emacs Lisp
has four conditional forms: `if', which is much the same as in other
languages; `when' and `unless', which are variants of `if'; and `cond',
which is a generalized case statement.

 - Special Form: if condition then-form else-forms...
     `if' chooses between the THEN-FORM and the ELSE-FORMS based on the
     value of CONDITION.  If the evaluated CONDITION is non-`nil',
     THEN-FORM is evaluated and the result returned.  Otherwise, the
     ELSE-FORMS are evaluated in textual order, and the value of the
     last one is returned.  (The ELSE part of `if' is an example of an
     implicit `progn'.  Note: Sequencing.)

     If CONDITION has the value `nil', and no ELSE-FORMS are given,
     `if' returns `nil'.

     `if' is a special form because the branch that is not selected is
     never evaluated--it is ignored.  Thus, in the example below,
     `true' is not printed because `print' is never called.

          (if nil
              (print 'true)
          => very-false

 - Macro: when condition then-forms...
     This is a variant of `if' where there are no ELSE-FORMS, and
     possibly several THEN-FORMS.  In particular,

          (when CONDITION A B C)

     is entirely equivalent to

          (if CONDITION (progn A B C) nil)

 - Macro: unless condition forms...
     This is a variant of `if' where there is no THEN-FORM:

          (unless CONDITION A B C)

     is entirely equivalent to

          (if CONDITION nil
             A B C)

 - Special Form: cond clause...
     `cond' chooses among an arbitrary number of alternatives.  Each
     CLAUSE in the `cond' must be a list.  The CAR of this list is the
     CONDITION; the remaining elements, if any, the BODY-FORMS.  Thus,
     a clause looks like this:


     `cond' tries the clauses in textual order, by evaluating the
     CONDITION of each clause.  If the value of CONDITION is non-`nil',
     the clause "succeeds"; then `cond' evaluates its BODY-FORMS, and
     the value of the last of BODY-FORMS becomes the value of the
     `cond'.  The remaining clauses are ignored.

     If the value of CONDITION is `nil', the clause "fails", so the
     `cond' moves on to the following clause, trying its CONDITION.

     If every CONDITION evaluates to `nil', so that every clause fails,
     `cond' returns `nil'.

     A clause may also look like this:


     Then, if CONDITION is non-`nil' when tested, the value of
     CONDITION becomes the value of the `cond' form.

     The following example has four clauses, which test for the cases
     where the value of `x' is a number, string, buffer and symbol,

          (cond ((numberp x) x)
                ((stringp x) x)
                ((bufferp x)
                 (setq temporary-hack x) ; multiple body-forms
                 (buffer-name x))        ; in one clause
                ((symbolp x) (symbol-value x)))

     Often we want to execute the last clause whenever none of the
     previous clauses was successful.  To do this, we use `t' as the
     CONDITION of the last clause, like this: `(t BODY-FORMS)'.  The
     form `t' evaluates to `t', which is never `nil', so this clause
     never fails, provided the `cond' gets to it at all.

     For example,

          (setq a 5)
          (cond ((eq a 'hack) 'foo)
                (t "default"))
          => "default"

     This `cond' expression returns `foo' if the value of `a' is
     `hack', and returns the string `"default"' otherwise.

   Any conditional construct can be expressed with `cond' or with `if'.
Therefore, the choice between them is a matter of style.  For example:

     (if A B C)
     (cond (A B) (t C))

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