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Info Node: (elisp)Defining Functions

(elisp)Defining Functions

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Defining Functions

   We usually give a name to a function when it is first created.  This
is called "defining a function", and it is done with the `defun'
special form.

 - Special Form: defun name argument-list body-forms
     `defun' is the usual way to define new Lisp functions.  It defines
     the symbol NAME as a function that looks like this:

          (lambda ARGUMENT-LIST . BODY-FORMS)

     `defun' stores this lambda expression in the function cell of
     NAME.  It returns the value NAME, but usually we ignore this value.

     As described previously (Note: Lambda Expressions),
     ARGUMENT-LIST is a list of argument names and may include the
     keywords `&optional' and `&rest'.  Also, the first two of the
     BODY-FORMS may be a documentation string and an interactive

     There is no conflict if the same symbol NAME is also used as a
     variable, since the symbol's value cell is independent of the
     function cell.  Note: Symbol Components.

     Here are some examples:

          (defun foo () 5)
               => foo
               => 5
          (defun bar (a &optional b &rest c)
              (list a b c))
               => bar
          (bar 1 2 3 4 5)
               => (1 2 (3 4 5))
          (bar 1)
               => (1 nil nil)
          error--> Wrong number of arguments.
          (defun capitalize-backwards ()
            "Upcase the last letter of a word."
            (backward-word 1)
            (forward-word 1)
            (backward-char 1)
            (capitalize-word 1))
               => capitalize-backwards

     Be careful not to redefine existing functions unintentionally.
     `defun' redefines even primitive functions such as `car' without
     any hesitation or notification.  Redefining a function already
     defined is often done deliberately, and there is no way to
     distinguish deliberate redefinition from unintentional

 - Function: defalias name definition
     This special form defines the symbol NAME as a function, with
     definition DEFINITION (which can be any valid Lisp function).

     The proper place to use `defalias' is where a specific function
     name is being defined--especially where that name appears
     explicitly in the source file being loaded.  This is because
     `defalias' records which file defined the function, just like
     `defun' (Note: Unloading).

     By contrast, in programs that manipulate function definitions for
     other purposes, it is better to use `fset', which does not keep
     such records.

   See also `defsubst', which defines a function like `defun' and tells
the Lisp compiler to open-code it.  Note: Inline Functions.

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