GNU Info

Info Node: (elisp)Excess Close

(elisp)Excess Close

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Excess Close Parentheses

   To deal with an excess close parenthesis, first go to the beginning
of the file, then type `C-u -1 C-M-u' to find the end of the unbalanced

   Then find the actual matching close parenthesis by typing `C-M-f' at
the beginning of that defun.  This will leave you somewhere short of
the place where the defun ought to end.  It is possible that you will
find a spurious close parenthesis in that vicinity.

   If you don't see a problem at that point, the next thing to do is to
type `C-M-q' at the beginning of the defun.  A range of lines will
probably shift left; if so, the missing open parenthesis or spurious
close parenthesis is probably near the first of those lines.  (However,
don't assume this is true; study the code to make sure.)  Once you have
found the discrepancy, undo the `C-M-q' with `C-_', since the old
indentation is probably appropriate to the intended parentheses.

   After you think you have fixed the problem, use `C-M-q' again.  If
the old indentation actually fits the intended nesting of parentheses,
and you have put back those parentheses, `C-M-q' should not change

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