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Info Node: (elisp)Garbage Collection

(elisp)Garbage Collection

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Garbage Collection

   When a program creates a list or the user defines a new function
(such as by loading a library), that data is placed in normal storage.
If normal storage runs low, then Emacs asks the operating system to
allocate more memory in blocks of 1k bytes.  Each block is used for one
type of Lisp object, so symbols, cons cells, markers, etc., are
segregated in distinct blocks in memory.  (Vectors, long strings,
buffers and certain other editing types, which are fairly large, are
allocated in individual blocks, one per object, while small strings are
packed into blocks of 8k bytes.)

   It is quite common to use some storage for a while, then release it
by (for example) killing a buffer or deleting the last pointer to an
object.  Emacs provides a "garbage collector" to reclaim this abandoned
storage.  (This name is traditional, but "garbage recycler" might be a
more intuitive metaphor for this facility.)

   The garbage collector operates by finding and marking all Lisp
objects that are still accessible to Lisp programs.  To begin with, it
assumes all the symbols, their values and associated function
definitions, and any data presently on the stack, are accessible.  Any
objects that can be reached indirectly through other accessible objects
are also accessible.

   When marking is finished, all objects still unmarked are garbage.  No
matter what the Lisp program or the user does, it is impossible to refer
to them, since there is no longer a way to reach them.  Their space
might as well be reused, since no one will miss them.  The second
("sweep") phase of the garbage collector arranges to reuse them.

   The sweep phase puts unused cons cells onto a "free list" for future
allocation; likewise for symbols and markers.  It compacts the
accessible strings so they occupy fewer 8k blocks; then it frees the
other 8k blocks.  Vectors, buffers, windows, and other large objects are
individually allocated and freed using `malloc' and `free'.

     Common Lisp note: Unlike other Lisps, GNU Emacs Lisp does not call
     the garbage collector when the free list is empty.  Instead, it
     simply requests the operating system to allocate more storage, and
     processing continues until `gc-cons-threshold' bytes have been

     This means that you can make sure that the garbage collector will
     not run during a certain portion of a Lisp program by calling the
     garbage collector explicitly just before it (provided that portion
     of the program does not use so much space as to force a second
     garbage collection).

 - Command: garbage-collect
     This command runs a garbage collection, and returns information on
     the amount of space in use.  (Garbage collection can also occur
     spontaneously if you use more than `gc-cons-threshold' bytes of
     Lisp data since the previous garbage collection.)

     `garbage-collect' returns a list containing the following

           (USED-SYMS . FREE-SYMS)
           (USED-MISCS . FREE-MISCS)

     Here is an example:

               => ((106886 . 13184) (9769 . 0)
                          (7731 . 4651) 347543 121628
                          (31 . 94) (1273 . 168)
                          (25474 . 3569))

     Here is a table explaining each element:

          The number of cons cells in use.

          The number of cons cells for which space has been obtained
          from the operating system, but that are not currently being

          The number of symbols in use.

          The number of symbols for which space has been obtained from
          the operating system, but that are not currently being used.

          The number of miscellaneous objects in use.  These include
          markers and overlays, plus certain objects not visible to

          The number of miscellaneous objects for which space has been
          obtained from the operating system, but that are not
          currently being used.

          The total size of all strings, in characters.

          The total number of elements of existing vectors.

          The number of floats in use.

          The number of floats for which space has been obtained from
          the operating system, but that are not currently being used.

          The number of intervals in use.  Intervals are an internal
          data structure used for representing text properties.

          The number of intervals for which space has been obtained
          from the operating system, but that are not currently being

          The number of strings in use.

          The number of string headers for which the space was obtained
          from the operating system, but which are currently not in
          use.  (A string object consists of a header and the storage
          for the string text itself; the latter is only allocated when
          the string is created.)

 - User Option: garbage-collection-messages
     If this variable is non-`nil', Emacs displays a message at the
     beginning and end of garbage collection.  The default value is
     `nil', meaning there are no such messages.

 - User Option: gc-cons-threshold
     The value of this variable is the number of bytes of storage that
     must be allocated for Lisp objects after one garbage collection in
     order to trigger another garbage collection.  A cons cell counts
     as eight bytes, a string as one byte per character plus a few
     bytes of overhead, and so on; space allocated to the contents of
     buffers does not count.  Note that the subsequent garbage
     collection does not happen immediately when the threshold is
     exhausted, but only the next time the Lisp evaluator is called.

     The initial threshold value is 400,000.  If you specify a larger
     value, garbage collection will happen less often.  This reduces the
     amount of time spent garbage collecting, but increases total
     memory use.  You may want to do this when running a program that
     creates lots of Lisp data.

     You can make collections more frequent by specifying a smaller
     value, down to 10,000.  A value less than 10,000 will remain in
     effect only until the subsequent garbage collection, at which time
     `garbage-collect' will set the threshold back to 10,000.

   The value return by `garbage-collect' describes the amount of memory
used by Lisp data, broken down by data type.  By contrast, the function
`memory-limit' provides information on the total amount of memory Emacs
is currently using.

 - Function: memory-limit
     This function returns the address of the last byte Emacs has
     allocated, divided by 1024.  We divide the value by 1024 to make
     sure it fits in a Lisp integer.

     You can use this to get a general idea of how your actions affect
     the memory usage.

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