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Info Node: (elisp)Iteration


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   Iteration means executing part of a program repetitively.  For
example, you might want to repeat some computation once for each element
of a list, or once for each integer from 0 to N.  You can do this in
Emacs Lisp with the special form `while':

 - Special Form: while condition forms...
     `while' first evaluates CONDITION.  If the result is non-`nil', it
     evaluates FORMS in textual order.  Then it reevaluates CONDITION,
     and if the result is non-`nil', it evaluates FORMS again.  This
     process repeats until CONDITION evaluates to `nil'.

     There is no limit on the number of iterations that may occur.  The
     loop will continue until either CONDITION evaluates to `nil' or
     until an error or `throw' jumps out of it (Note: Nonlocal Exits).

     The value of a `while' form is always `nil'.

          (setq num 0)
               => 0
          (while (< num 4)
            (princ (format "Iteration %d." num))
            (setq num (1+ num)))
               -| Iteration 0.
               -| Iteration 1.
               -| Iteration 2.
               -| Iteration 3.
               => nil

     To write a "repeat...until" loop, which will execute something on
     each iteration and then do the end-test, put the body followed by
     the end-test in a `progn' as the first argument of `while', as
     shown here:

          (while (progn
                   (forward-line 1)
                   (not (looking-at "^$"))))

     This moves forward one line and continues moving by lines until it
     reaches an empty line.  It is peculiar in that the `while' has no
     body, just the end test (which also does the real work of moving

   The `dolist' and `dotimes' macros provide convenient ways to write
two common kinds of loops.

 - Macro: dolist (var list [result]) body...
     This construct executes BODY once for each element of LIST, using
     the variable VAR to hold the current element.  Then it returns the
     value of evaluating RESULT, or `nil' if RESULT is omitted.  For
     example, here is how you could use `dolist' to define the
     `reverse' function:

          (defun reverse (list)
            (let (value)
              (dolist (elt list value)
                (setq value (cons elt value)))))

 - Macro: dotimes (var count [result]) body...
     This construct executes BODY once for each integer from 0
     (inclusive) to COUNT (exclusive), using the variable VAR to hold
     the integer for the current iteration.  Then it returns the value
     of evaluating RESULT, or `nil' if RESULT is omitted.  Here is an
     example of using `dotimes' do something 100 times:

          (dotimes (i 100)
            (insert "I will not obey absurd orders\n"))

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