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Info Node: (elisp)Mouse Position

(elisp)Mouse Position

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Mouse Position

   The functions `mouse-position' and `set-mouse-position' give access
to the current position of the mouse.

 - Function: mouse-position
     This function returns a description of the position of the mouse.
     The value looks like `(FRAME X . Y)', where X and Y are integers
     giving the position in characters relative to the top left corner
     of the inside of FRAME.

 - Variable: mouse-position-function
     If non-`nil', the value of this variable is a function for
     `mouse-position' to call.  `mouse-position' calls this function
     just before returning, with its normal return value as the sole
     argument, and it returns whatever this function returns to it.

     This abnormal hook exists for the benefit of packages like
     `xt-mouse.el' that need to do mouse handling at the Lisp level.

 - Function: set-mouse-position frame x y
     This function "warps the mouse" to position X, Y in frame FRAME.
     The arguments X and Y are integers, giving the position in
     characters relative to the top left corner of the inside of FRAME.
     If FRAME is not visible, this function does nothing.  The return
     value is not significant.

 - Function: mouse-pixel-position
     This function is like `mouse-position' except that it returns
     coordinates in units of pixels rather than units of characters.

 - Function: set-mouse-pixel-position frame x y
     This function warps the mouse like `set-mouse-position' except that
     X and Y are in units of pixels rather than units of characters.
     These coordinates are not required to be within the frame.

     If FRAME is not visible, this function does nothing.  The return
     value is not significant.

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