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Info Node: (elisp)Near Point

(elisp)Near Point

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Examining Text Near Point

   Many functions are provided to look at the characters around point.
Several simple functions are described here.  See also `looking-at' in
Note: Regexp Search.

 - Function: char-after &optional position
     This function returns the character in the current buffer at (i.e.,
     immediately after) position POSITION.  If POSITION is out of range
     for this purpose, either before the beginning of the buffer, or at
     or beyond the end, then the value is `nil'.  The default for
     POSITION is point.

     In the following example, assume that the first character in the
     buffer is `@':

          (char-to-string (char-after 1))
               => "@"

 - Function: char-before &optional position
     This function returns the character in the current buffer
     immediately before position POSITION.  If POSITION is out of range
     for this purpose, either before the beginning of the buffer, or at
     or beyond the end, then the value is `nil'.  The default for
     POSITION is point.

 - Function: following-char
     This function returns the character following point in the current
     buffer.  This is similar to `(char-after (point))'.  However, if
     point is at the end of the buffer, then `following-char' returns 0.

     Remember that point is always between characters, and the terminal
     cursor normally appears over the character following point.
     Therefore, the character returned by `following-char' is the
     character the cursor is over.

     In this example, point is between the `a' and the `c'.

          ---------- Buffer: foo ----------
          Gentlemen may cry ``Pea-!-ce! Peace!,''
          but there is no peace.
          ---------- Buffer: foo ----------
          (char-to-string (preceding-char))
               => "a"
          (char-to-string (following-char))
               => "c"

 - Function: preceding-char
     This function returns the character preceding point in the current
     buffer.  See above, under `following-char', for an example.  If
     point is at the beginning of the buffer, `preceding-char' returns

 - Function: bobp
     This function returns `t' if point is at the beginning of the
     buffer.  If narrowing is in effect, this means the beginning of the
     accessible portion of the text.  See also `point-min' in Note:

 - Function: eobp
     This function returns `t' if point is at the end of the buffer.
     If narrowing is in effect, this means the end of accessible
     portion of the text.  See also `point-max' in Note: Point.

 - Function: bolp
     This function returns `t' if point is at the beginning of a line.
     Note: Text Lines.  The beginning of the buffer (or of its
     accessible portion) always counts as the beginning of a line.

 - Function: eolp
     This function returns `t' if point is at the end of a line.  The
     end of the buffer (or of its accessible portion) is always
     considered the end of a line.

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