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Info Node: (elisp)Numeric Conversions

(elisp)Numeric Conversions

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Numeric Conversions

   To convert an integer to floating point, use the function `float'.

 - Function: float number
     This returns NUMBER converted to floating point.  If NUMBER is
     already a floating point number, `float' returns it unchanged.

   There are four functions to convert floating point numbers to
integers; they differ in how they round.  These functions accept
integer arguments also, and return such arguments unchanged.

 - Function: truncate number
     This returns NUMBER, converted to an integer by rounding towards

          (truncate 1.2)
               => 1
          (truncate 1.7)
               => 1
          (truncate -1.2)
               => -1
          (truncate -1.7)
               => -1

 - Function: floor number &optional divisor
     This returns NUMBER, converted to an integer by rounding downward
     (towards negative infinity).

     If DIVISOR is specified, `floor' divides NUMBER by DIVISOR and
     then converts to an integer; this uses the kind of division
     operation that corresponds to `mod', rounding downward.  An
     `arith-error' results if DIVISOR is 0.

          (floor 1.2)
               => 1
          (floor 1.7)
               => 1
          (floor -1.2)
               => -2
          (floor -1.7)
               => -2
          (floor 5.99 3)
               => 1

 - Function: ceiling number
     This returns NUMBER, converted to an integer by rounding upward
     (towards positive infinity).

          (ceiling 1.2)
               => 2
          (ceiling 1.7)
               => 2
          (ceiling -1.2)
               => -1
          (ceiling -1.7)
               => -1

 - Function: round number
     This returns NUMBER, converted to an integer by rounding towards
     the nearest integer.  Rounding a value equidistant between two
     integers may choose the integer closer to zero, or it may prefer
     an even integer, depending on your machine.

          (round 1.2)
               => 1
          (round 1.7)
               => 2
          (round -1.2)
               => -1
          (round -1.7)
               => -2

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