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Info Node: (elisp)Quitting


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   Typing `C-g' while a Lisp function is running causes Emacs to "quit"
whatever it is doing.  This means that control returns to the innermost
active command loop.

   Typing `C-g' while the command loop is waiting for keyboard input
does not cause a quit; it acts as an ordinary input character.  In the
simplest case, you cannot tell the difference, because `C-g' normally
runs the command `keyboard-quit', whose effect is to quit.  However,
when `C-g' follows a prefix key, they combine to form an undefined key.
The effect is to cancel the prefix key as well as any prefix argument.

   In the minibuffer, `C-g' has a different definition: it aborts out
of the minibuffer.  This means, in effect, that it exits the minibuffer
and then quits.  (Simply quitting would return to the command loop
_within_ the minibuffer.)  The reason why `C-g' does not quit directly
when the command reader is reading input is so that its meaning can be
redefined in the minibuffer in this way.  `C-g' following a prefix key
is not redefined in the minibuffer, and it has its normal effect of
canceling the prefix key and prefix argument.  This too would not be
possible if `C-g' always quit directly.

   When `C-g' does directly quit, it does so by setting the variable
`quit-flag' to `t'.  Emacs checks this variable at appropriate times
and quits if it is not `nil'.  Setting `quit-flag' non-`nil' in any way
thus causes a quit.

   At the level of C code, quitting cannot happen just anywhere; only
at the special places that check `quit-flag'.  The reason for this is
that quitting at other places might leave an inconsistency in Emacs's
internal state.  Because quitting is delayed until a safe place,
quitting cannot make Emacs crash.

   Certain functions such as `read-key-sequence' or `read-quoted-char'
prevent quitting entirely even though they wait for input.  Instead of
quitting, `C-g' serves as the requested input.  In the case of
`read-key-sequence', this serves to bring about the special behavior of
`C-g' in the command loop.  In the case of `read-quoted-char', this is
so that `C-q' can be used to quote a `C-g'.

   You can prevent quitting for a portion of a Lisp function by binding
the variable `inhibit-quit' to a non-`nil' value.  Then, although `C-g'
still sets `quit-flag' to `t' as usual, the usual result of this--a
quit--is prevented.  Eventually, `inhibit-quit' will become `nil'
again, such as when its binding is unwound at the end of a `let' form.
At that time, if `quit-flag' is still non-`nil', the requested quit
happens immediately.  This behavior is ideal when you wish to make sure
that quitting does not happen within a "critical section" of the

   In some functions (such as `read-quoted-char'), `C-g' is handled in
a special way that does not involve quitting.  This is done by reading
the input with `inhibit-quit' bound to `t', and setting `quit-flag' to
`nil' before `inhibit-quit' becomes `nil' again.  This excerpt from the
definition of `read-quoted-char' shows how this is done; it also shows
that normal quitting is permitted after the first character of input.

     (defun read-quoted-char (&optional prompt)
       (let ((message-log-max nil) done (first t) (code 0) char)
         (while (not done)
           (let ((inhibit-quit first)
     	(and prompt (message "%s-" prompt))
     	(setq char (read-event))
     	(if inhibit-quit (setq quit-flag nil)))
           ...set the variable `code'...)

 - Variable: quit-flag
     If this variable is non-`nil', then Emacs quits immediately, unless
     `inhibit-quit' is non-`nil'.  Typing `C-g' ordinarily sets
     `quit-flag' non-`nil', regardless of `inhibit-quit'.

 - Variable: inhibit-quit
     This variable determines whether Emacs should quit when `quit-flag'
     is set to a value other than `nil'.  If `inhibit-quit' is
     non-`nil', then `quit-flag' has no special effect.

 - Command: keyboard-quit
     This function signals the `quit' condition with `(signal 'quit
     nil)'.  This is the same thing that quitting does.  (See `signal'
     in Note: Errors.)

   You can specify a character other than `C-g' to use for quitting.
See the function `set-input-mode' in Note: Terminal Input.

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