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Info Node: (elisp)Registers


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   A register is a sort of variable used in Emacs editing that can hold
a variety of different kinds of values.  Each register is named by a
single character.  All ASCII characters and their meta variants (but
with the exception of `C-g') can be used to name registers.  Thus,
there are 255 possible registers.  A register is designated in Emacs
Lisp by the character that is its name.

 - Variable: register-alist
     This variable is an alist of elements of the form `(NAME .
     CONTENTS)'.  Normally, there is one element for each Emacs
     register that has been used.

     The object NAME is a character (an integer) identifying the

   The CONTENTS of a register can have several possible types:

a number
     A number stands for itself.  If `insert-register' finds a number
     in the register, it converts the number to decimal.

a marker
     A marker represents a buffer position to jump to.

a string
     A string is text saved in the register.

a rectangle
     A rectangle is represented by a list of strings.

     This represents a window configuration to restore in one frame,
     and a position to jump to in the current buffer.

     This represents a frame configuration to restore, and a position
     to jump to in the current buffer.

     This represents a file to visit; jumping to this value visits file

     This represents a file to visit and a position in it; jumping to
     this value visits file FILENAME and goes to buffer position
     POSITION.  Restoring this type of position asks the user for
     confirmation first.

   The functions in this section return unpredictable values unless
otherwise stated.

 - Function: get-register reg
     This function returns the contents of the register REG, or `nil'
     if it has no contents.

 - Function: set-register reg value
     This function sets the contents of register REG to VALUE.  A
     register can be set to any value, but the other register functions
     expect only certain data types.  The return value is VALUE.

 - Command: view-register reg
     This command displays what is contained in register REG.

 - Command: insert-register reg &optional beforep
     This command inserts contents of register REG into the current

     Normally, this command puts point before the inserted text, and the
     mark after it.  However, if the optional second argument BEFOREP
     is non-`nil', it puts the mark before and point after.  You can
     pass a non-`nil' second argument BEFOREP to this function
     interactively by supplying any prefix argument.

     If the register contains a rectangle, then the rectangle is
     inserted with its upper left corner at point.  This means that
     text is inserted in the current line and underneath it on
     successive lines.

     If the register contains something other than saved text (a
     string) or a rectangle (a list), currently useless things happen.
     This may be changed in the future.

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