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(elisp)Sets And Lists

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Using Lists as Sets

   A list can represent an unordered mathematical set--simply consider a
value an element of a set if it appears in the list, and ignore the
order of the list.  To form the union of two sets, use `append' (as
long as you don't mind having duplicate elements).  Other useful
functions for sets include `memq' and `delq', and their `equal'
versions, `member' and `delete'.

     Common Lisp note: Common Lisp has functions `union' (which avoids
     duplicate elements) and `intersection' for set operations, but GNU
     Emacs Lisp does not have them.  You can write them in Lisp if you

 - Function: memq object list
     This function tests to see whether OBJECT is a member of LIST.  If
     it is, `memq' returns a list starting with the first occurrence of
     OBJECT.  Otherwise, it returns `nil'.  The letter `q' in `memq'
     says that it uses `eq' to compare OBJECT against the elements of
     the list.  For example:

          (memq 'b '(a b c b a))
               => (b c b a)
          (memq '(2) '((1) (2)))    ; `(2)' and `(2)' are not `eq'.
               => nil

 - Function: member-ignore-case object list
     This function is like `member', except that it ignores differences
     in letter-case and text representation: upper-case and lower-case
     letters are treated as equal, and unibyte strings are converted to
     multibyte prior to comparison.

 - Function: delq object list
     This function destructively removes all elements `eq' to OBJECT
     from LIST.  The letter `q' in `delq' says that it uses `eq' to
     compare OBJECT against the elements of the list, like `memq' and

   When `delq' deletes elements from the front of the list, it does so
simply by advancing down the list and returning a sublist that starts
after those elements:

     (delq 'a '(a b c)) == (cdr '(a b c))

   When an element to be deleted appears in the middle of the list,
removing it involves changing the CDRs (Note: Setcdr).

     (setq sample-list '(a b c (4)))
          => (a b c (4))
     (delq 'a sample-list)
          => (b c (4))
          => (a b c (4))
     (delq 'c sample-list)
          => (a b (4))
          => (a b (4))

   Note that `(delq 'c sample-list)' modifies `sample-list' to splice
out the third element, but `(delq 'a sample-list)' does not splice
anything--it just returns a shorter list.  Don't assume that a variable
which formerly held the argument LIST now has fewer elements, or that
it still holds the original list!  Instead, save the result of `delq'
and use that.  Most often we store the result back into the variable
that held the original list:

     (setq flowers (delq 'rose flowers))

   In the following example, the `(4)' that `delq' attempts to match
and the `(4)' in the `sample-list' are not `eq':

     (delq '(4) sample-list)
          => (a c (4))

   The following two functions are like `memq' and `delq' but use
`equal' rather than `eq' to compare elements.  Note: Equality

 - Function: member object list
     The function `member' tests to see whether OBJECT is a member of
     LIST, comparing members with OBJECT using `equal'.  If OBJECT is a
     member, `member' returns a list starting with its first occurrence
     in LIST.  Otherwise, it returns `nil'.

     Compare this with `memq':

          (member '(2) '((1) (2)))  ; `(2)' and `(2)' are `equal'.
               => ((2))
          (memq '(2) '((1) (2)))    ; `(2)' and `(2)' are not `eq'.
               => nil
          ;; Two strings with the same contents are `equal'.
          (member "foo" '("foo" "bar"))
               => ("foo" "bar")

 - Function: delete object sequence
     If `sequence' is a list, this function destructively removes all
     elements `equal' to OBJECT from SEQUENCE.  For lists, `delete' is
     to `delq' as `member' is to `memq': it uses `equal' to compare
     elements with OBJECT, like `member'; when it finds an element that
     matches, it removes the element just as `delq' would.

     If `sequence' is a vector or string, `delete' returns a copy of
     `sequence' with all elements `equal' to `object' removed.

     For example:

          (delete '(2) '((2) (1) (2)))
               => ((1))
          (delete '(2) [(2) (1) (2)])
               => [(1)]

 - Function: remove object sequence
     This function is the non-destructive counterpart of `delete'.  If
     returns a copy of `sequence', a list, vector, or string, with
     elements `equal' to `object' removed.  For example:

          (remove '(2) '((2) (1) (2)))
               => ((1))
          (remove '(2) [(2) (1) (2)])
               => [(1)]

     Common Lisp note: The functions `member', `delete' and `remove' in
     GNU Emacs Lisp are derived from Maclisp, not Common Lisp.  The
     Common Lisp versions do not use `equal' to compare elements.

   See also the function `add-to-list', in Note: Setting Variables,
for another way to add an element to a list stored in a variable.

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