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Info Node: (elisp)Showing Images

(elisp)Showing Images

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Showing Images

   You can use an image descriptor by setting up the `display' property
yourself, but it is easier to use the functions in this section.

 - Function: insert-image image &optional string area
     This function inserts IMAGE in the current buffer at point.  The
     value IMAGE should be an image descriptor; it could be a value
     returned by `create-image', or the value of a symbol defined with
     `defimage'.  The argument STRING specifies the text to put in the
     buffer to hold the image.

     The argument AREA specifies whether to put the image in a margin.
     If it is `left-margin', the image appears in the left margin;
     `right-margin' specifies the right margin.  If AREA is `nil' or
     omitted, the image is displayed at point within the buffer's text.

     Internally, this function inserts STRING in the buffer, and gives
     it a `display' property which specifies IMAGE.  Note: Display

 - Function: put-image image pos &optional string area
     This function puts image IMAGE in front of POS in the current
     buffer.  The argument POS should be an integer or a marker.  It
     specifies the buffer position where the image should appear.  The
     argument STRING specifies the text that should hold the image as
     an alternative to the default.

     The argument IMAGE must be an image descriptor, perhaps returned
     by `create-image' or stored by `defimage'.

     The argument AREA specifies whether to put the image in a margin.
     If it is `left-margin', the image appears in the left margin;
     `right-margin' specifies the right margin.  If AREA is `nil' or
     omitted, the image is displayed at point within the buffer's text.

     Internally, this function creates an overlay, and gives it a
     `before-string' property containing text that has a `display'
     property whose value is the image.  (Whew!)

 - Function: remove-images start end &optional buffer
     This function removes images in BUFFER between positions START and
     END.  If BUFFER is omitted or `nil', images are removed from the
     current buffer.

     This removes only images that were put into BUFFER the way
     `put-image' does it, not images that were inserted with
     `insert-image' or in other ways.

 - Function: image-size spec &optional pixels frame
     This function returns the size of an image as a pair
     `(WIDTH . HEIGHT)'.  SPEC is an image specification.  PIXELS
     non-nil means return sizes measured in pixels, otherwise return
     sizes measured in canonical character units (fractions of the
     width/height of the frame's default font).  FRAME is the frame on
     which the image will be displayed.  FRAME null or omitted means
     use the selected frame (Note: Input Focus).

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