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Info Node: (elisp)Window Internals

(elisp)Window Internals

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Window Internals

   Windows have the following accessible fields:

     The frame that this window is on.

     Non-`nil' if this window is a minibuffer window.

     Internally, Emacs arranges windows in a tree; each group of
     siblings has a parent window whose area includes all the siblings.
     This field points to a window's parent.

     Parent windows do not display buffers, and play little role in
     display except to shape their child windows.  Emacs Lisp programs
     usually have no access to the parent windows; they operate on the
     windows at the leaves of the tree, which actually display buffers.

     The following four fields also describe the window tree structure.

     In a window subdivided horizontally by child windows, the leftmost
     child.  Otherwise, `nil'.

     In a window subdivided vertically by child windows, the topmost
     child.  Otherwise, `nil'.

     The next sibling of this window.  It is `nil' in a window that is
     the rightmost or bottommost of a group of siblings.

     The previous sibling of this window.  It is `nil' in a window that
     is the leftmost or topmost of a group of siblings.

     This is the left-hand edge of the window, measured in columns.
     (The leftmost column on the screen is column 0.)

     This is the top edge of the window, measured in lines.  (The top
     line on the screen is line 0.)

     The height of the window, measured in lines.

     The width of the window, measured in columns.  This width includes
     the scroll bar and fringes, and/or the separator line on the right
     of the window (if any).

     The buffer that the window is displaying.  This may change often
     during the life of the window.

     The position in the buffer that is the first character to be
     displayed in the window.

     This is the value of point in the current buffer when this window
     is selected; when it is not selected, it retains its previous

     If this flag is non-`nil', it says that the window has been
     scrolled explicitly by the Lisp program.  This affects what the
     next redisplay does if point is off the screen: instead of
     scrolling the window to show the text around point, it moves point
     to a location that is on the screen.

     This field is set temporarily to 1 to indicate to redisplay that
     `start' of this window should not be changed, even if point gets

     Non-`nil' means current value of `start' was the beginning of a
     line when it was chosen.

     Non-`nil' means don't delete this window for becoming "too small".

     This field is temporarily set to 1 to fix the height of the
     selected window when the echo area is resized.

     This is the last time that the window was selected.  The function
     `get-lru-window' uses this field.

     A unique number assigned to this window when it was created.

     The `modiff' field of the window's buffer, as of the last time a
     redisplay completed in this window.

     The `overlay_modiff' field of the window's buffer, as of the last
     time a redisplay completed in this window.

     The buffer's value of point, as of the last time a redisplay
     completed in this window.

     A non-`nil' value means the window's buffer was "modified" when the
     window was last updated.

     This window's vertical scroll bar.

     The width of the left margin in this window, or `nil' not to
     specify it (in which case the buffer's value of `left-margin-width'
     is used.

     Likewise for the right margin.

     This is computed as `z' minus the buffer position of the last glyph
     in the current matrix of the window.  The value is only valid if
     `window_end_valid' is not `nil'.

     The byte position corresponding to `window_end_pos'.

     The window-relative vertical position of the line containing

     This field is set to a non-`nil' value if `window_end_pos' is truly
     valid.  This is `nil' if nontrivial redisplay is preempted since
     in that case the display that `window_end_pos' was computed for
     did not get onto the screen.

     If redisplay in this window goes beyond this buffer position, it
     runs run the `redisplay-end-trigger-hook'.

     A structure describing where the cursor is in this window.

     The value of `cursor' as of the last redisplay that finished.

     A structure describing where the cursor of this window physically

     The type of cursor that was last displayed on this window.

     This field is non-zero if the cursor is physically on.

     Non-zero means the cursor in this window is logically on.

     This field contains the value of `cursor_off_p' as of the time of
     the last redisplay.

     This is set to 1 during redisplay when this window must be updated.

     This is the number of columns that the display in the window is
     scrolled horizontally to the left.  Normally, this is 0.

     Vertical scroll amount, in pixels.  Normally, this is 0.

     Non-`nil' if this window is dedicated to its buffer.

     The window's display table, or `nil' if none is specified for it.

     Non-`nil' means this window's mode line needs to be updated.

     The line number of a certain position in the buffer, or `nil'.
     This is used for displaying the line number of point in the mode

     The position in the buffer for which the line number is known, or
     `nil' meaning none is known.

     If the region (or part of it) is highlighted in this window, this
     field holds the mark position that made one end of that region.
     Otherwise, this field is `nil'.

     The column number currently displayed in this window's mode line,
     or `nil' if column numbers are not being displayed.

     A glyph matrix describing the current display of this window.

     A glyph matrix describing the desired display of this window.

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