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Info Node: (elisp)Word Motion

(elisp)Word Motion

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Motion by Words

   These functions for parsing words use the syntax table to decide
whether a given character is part of a word.  Note: Syntax Tables.

 - Command: forward-word count
     This function moves point forward COUNT words (or backward if
     COUNT is negative).  "Moving one word" means moving until point
     crosses a word-constituent character and then encounters a
     word-separator character.  However, this function cannot move
     point past the boundary of the accessible portion of the buffer,
     or across a field boundary (Note: Fields).  The most common case
     of a field boundary is the end of the prompt in the minibuffer.

     If it is possible to move COUNT words, without being stopped
     prematurely by the buffer boundary or a field boundary, the value
     is `t'.  Otherwise, the return value is `nil' and point stops at
     the buffer boundary or field boundary.

     If `inhibit-field-text-motion' is non-`nil', this function ignores
     field boundaries.

     In an interactive call, COUNT is specified by the numeric prefix

 - Command: backward-word count
     This function is just like `forward-word', except that it moves
     backward until encountering the front of a word, rather than

     In an interactive call, COUNT is set to the numeric prefix

 - Variable: words-include-escapes
     This variable affects the behavior of `forward-word' and everything
     that uses it.  If it is non-`nil', then characters in the "escape"
     and "character quote" syntax classes count as part of words.
     Otherwise, they do not.

 - Variable: inhibit-field-text-motion
     If this variable is non-`nil', certain motion functions including
     `forward-word', `forward-sentence', and `forward-paragraph' ignore
     field boundaries.

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