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(elisp)Writing Emacs Primitives

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Writing Emacs Primitives

   Lisp primitives are Lisp functions implemented in C.  The details of
interfacing the C function so that Lisp can call it are handled by a few
C macros.  The only way to really understand how to write new C code is
to read the source, but we can explain some things here.

   An example of a special form is the definition of `or', from
`eval.c'.  (An ordinary function would have the same general

     DEFUN ("or", For, Sor, 0, UNEVALLED, 0,
       "Eval args until one of them yields non-nil; return that value.\n\
     The remaining args are not evalled at all.\n\
     If all args return nil, return nil.")
          Lisp_Object args;
       register Lisp_Object val;
       Lisp_Object args_left;
       struct gcpro gcpro1;
       if (NILP (args))
         return Qnil;
       args_left = args;
       GCPRO1 (args_left);
           val = Feval (Fcar (args_left));
           if (!NILP (val))
           args_left = Fcdr (args_left);
       while (!NILP (args_left));
       return val;

   Let's start with a precise explanation of the arguments to the
`DEFUN' macro.  Here is a template for them:


     This is the name of the Lisp symbol to define as the function
     name; in the example above, it is `or'.

     This is the C function name for this function.  This is the name
     that is used in C code for calling the function.  The name is, by
     convention, `F' prepended to the Lisp name, with all dashes (`-')
     in the Lisp name changed to underscores.  Thus, to call this
     function from C code, call `For'.  Remember that the arguments must
     be of type `Lisp_Object'; various macros and functions for creating
     values of type `Lisp_Object' are declared in the file `lisp.h'.

     This is a C variable name to use for a structure that holds the
     data for the subr object that represents the function in Lisp.
     This structure conveys the Lisp symbol name to the initialization
     routine that will create the symbol and store the subr object as
     its definition.  By convention, this name is always FNAME with `F'
     replaced with `S'.

     This is the minimum number of arguments that the function
     requires.  The function `or' allows a minimum of zero arguments.

     This is the maximum number of arguments that the function accepts,
     if there is a fixed maximum.  Alternatively, it can be `UNEVALLED',
     indicating a special form that receives unevaluated arguments, or
     `MANY', indicating an unlimited number of evaluated arguments (the
     equivalent of `&rest').  Both `UNEVALLED' and `MANY' are macros.
     If MAX is a number, it may not be less than MIN and it may not be
     greater than seven.

     This is an interactive specification, a string such as might be
     used as the argument of `interactive' in a Lisp function.  In the
     case of `or', it is 0 (a null pointer), indicating that `or'
     cannot be called interactively.  A value of `""' indicates a
     function that should receive no arguments when called

     This is the documentation string.  It is written just like a
     documentation string for a function defined in Lisp, except you
     must write `\n\' at the end of each line.  In particular, the
     first line should be a single sentence.

   After the call to the `DEFUN' macro, you must write the argument
name list that every C function must have, followed by ordinary C
declarations for the arguments.  For a function with a fixed maximum
number of arguments, declare a C argument for each Lisp argument, and
give them all type `Lisp_Object'.  When a Lisp function has no upper
limit on the number of arguments, its implementation in C actually
receives exactly two arguments: the first is the number of Lisp
arguments, and the second is the address of a block containing their
values.  They have types `int' and `Lisp_Object *'.

   Within the function `For' itself, note the use of the macros
`GCPRO1' and `UNGCPRO'.  `GCPRO1' is used to "protect" a variable from
garbage collection--to inform the garbage collector that it must look
in that variable and regard its contents as an accessible object.  This
is necessary whenever you call `Feval' or anything that can directly or
indirectly call `Feval'.  At such a time, any Lisp object that you
intend to refer to again must be protected somehow.  `UNGCPRO' cancels
the protection of the variables that are protected in the current
function.  It is necessary to do this explicitly.

   For most data types, it suffices to protect at least one pointer to
the object; as long as the object is not recycled, all pointers to it
remain valid.  This is not so for strings, because the garbage collector
can move them.  When the garbage collector moves a string, it relocates
all the pointers it knows about; any other pointers become invalid.
Therefore, you must protect all pointers to strings across any point
where garbage collection may be possible.

   The macro `GCPRO1' protects just one local variable.  If you want to
protect two, use `GCPRO2' instead; repeating `GCPRO1' will not work.
Macros `GCPRO3' and `GCPRO4' also exist.

   These macros implicitly use local variables such as `gcpro1'; you
must declare these explicitly, with type `struct gcpro'.  Thus, if you
use `GCPRO2', you must declare `gcpro1' and `gcpro2'.  Alas, we can't
explain all the tricky details here.

   You must not use C initializers for static or global variables unless
the variables are never written once Emacs is dumped.  These variables
with initializers are allocated in an area of memory that becomes
read-only (on certain operating systems) as a result of dumping Emacs.
Note: Pure Storage.

   Do not use static variables within functions--place all static
variables at top level in the file.  This is necessary because Emacs on
some operating systems defines the keyword `static' as a null macro.
(This definition is used because those systems put all variables
declared static in a place that becomes read-only after dumping, whether
they have initializers or not.)

   Defining the C function is not enough to make a Lisp primitive
available; you must also create the Lisp symbol for the primitive and
store a suitable subr object in its function cell.  The code looks like

     defsubr (&SUBR-STRUCTURE-NAME);

Here SUBR-STRUCTURE-NAME is the name you used as the third argument to

   If you add a new primitive to a file that already has Lisp primitives
defined in it, find the function (near the end of the file) named
`syms_of_SOMETHING', and add the call to `defsubr' there.  If the file
doesn't have this function, or if you create a new file, add to it a
`syms_of_FILENAME' (e.g., `syms_of_myfile').  Then find the spot in
`emacs.c' where all of these functions are called, and add a call to
`syms_of_FILENAME' there.

   The function `syms_of_FILENAME' is also the place to define any C
variables that are to be visible as Lisp variables.  `DEFVAR_LISP'
makes a C variable of type `Lisp_Object' visible in Lisp.  `DEFVAR_INT'
makes a C variable of type `int' visible in Lisp with a value that is
always an integer.  `DEFVAR_BOOL' makes a C variable of type `int'
visible in Lisp with a value that is either `t' or `nil'.  Note that
variables defined with `DEFVAR_BOOL' are automatically added to the list
`byte-boolean-vars' used by the byte compiler.

   If you define a file-scope C variable of type `Lisp_Object', you
must protect it from garbage-collection by calling `staticpro' in
`syms_of_FILENAME', like this:

     staticpro (&VARIABLE);

   Here is another example function, with more complicated arguments.
This comes from the code in `window.c', and it demonstrates the use of
macros and functions to manipulate Lisp objects.

     DEFUN ("coordinates-in-window-p", Fcoordinates_in_window_p,
       Scoordinates_in_window_p, 2, 2,
       "xSpecify coordinate pair: \nXExpression which evals to window: ",
       "Return non-nil if COORDINATES is in WINDOW.\n\
     COORDINATES is a cons of the form (X . Y), X and Y being distances\n\
     If they are on the border between WINDOW and its right sibling,\n\
        `vertical-line' is returned.")
       (coordinates, window)
          register Lisp_Object coordinates, window;
       int x, y;
       CHECK_LIVE_WINDOW (window, 0);
       CHECK_CONS (coordinates, 1);
       x = XINT (Fcar (coordinates));
       y = XINT (Fcdr (coordinates));
       switch (coordinates_in_window (XWINDOW (window), &x, &y))
         case 0:			/* NOT in window at all. */
           return Qnil;
         case 1:			/* In text part of window. */
           return Fcons (make_number (x), make_number (y));
         case 2:			/* In mode line of window. */
           return Qmode_line;
         case 3:			/* On right border of window.  */
           return Qvertical_line;
           abort ();

   Note that C code cannot call functions by name unless they are
defined in C.  The way to call a function written in Lisp is to use
`Ffuncall', which embodies the Lisp function `funcall'.  Since the Lisp
function `funcall' accepts an unlimited number of arguments, in C it
takes two: the number of Lisp-level arguments, and a one-dimensional
array containing their values.  The first Lisp-level argument is the
Lisp function to call, and the rest are the arguments to pass to it.
Since `Ffuncall' can call the evaluator, you must protect pointers from
garbage collection around the call to `Ffuncall'.

   The C functions `call0', `call1', `call2', and so on, provide handy
ways to call a Lisp function conveniently with a fixed number of
arguments.  They work by calling `Ffuncall'.

   `eval.c' is a very good file to look through for examples; `lisp.h'
contains the definitions for some important macros and functions.

   If you define a function which is side-effect free, update the code
in `byte-opt.el' which binds `side-effect-free-fns' and
`side-effect-and-error-free-fns' to include it.  This will help the

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