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Info Node: (ccmode)Advanced Customizations

(ccmode)Advanced Customizations

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Advanced Customizations

   For most users, CC Mode will support their coding styles with very
little need for more advanced customizations.  Usually, one of the
standard styles defined in `c-style-alist' will do the trick.  At most,
perhaps one of the syntactic symbol offsets will need to be tweaked
slightly, or maybe `c-basic-offset' will need to be changed.  However,
some styles require a more flexible framework for customization, and
one of the real strengths of CC Mode is that the syntactic analysis
model provides just such a framework. This allows you to implement
custom indentation calculations for situations not handled by the mode

Custom Indentation Functions
Custom Brace and Colon Hanging
Customizing Semi-colons and Commas
Other Special Indentations

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